1 05 Call Center.ppt Market and Customer Management - Customer Loyalty 3. Call Center Frequently asked questions: qWhat are the assumptions for the estimated volumes in call center and the back office? qDo you want to outsource call center and back office functions? qWhat are the activities in the call center and the back office? qWhat capacity do you need in the call center and in the back office? qAre there already existing call centers in the company, what capacity do they have? qWhat are the costs for the call center and the back office? 1 Offering 1 Offering 7 Finance 7 Finance 2 Processes 2 Processes 8 Communi- cation 8 Communi- cation 3 Call Center 3 Call Center 5 Information Technology 5 Information Technology 4 Cards 4 Cards Key topics of the programme Key topics of the programme 6 Structure 6 Structure
2 05 Call Center.ppt Market and Customer Management - Customer Loyalty For the planning of the call center and back office capacity, it is important make several assumptions The call center and back office in this case are the only channels for the handling of the retention programme. Inbound and outbound campaigns (phone) will be handled by the call center agents, , internet, mail and fax will be handled by the back office. The call center and the back office is closely linked with one or more fulfillment centers. All standard letters, booklets, etc. will be printed and mailed through theses fulfillment centers. Call center and back office are centralized (one site) and split along the necessary languages. The validation of the registered numbers is done in an offline process by the customer loyalty system. Call center route plan: Percentage based on assumptions about the distribution of incoming applications -> dependent on internal/ external capabilities Client Undefined contacts Outbound Shop visits , internet Mail, Fax Client Other Channels Other call centers Back office Fulfillment Center Shops Registration Forward to call center Forward to back office Print and mail Inbound Registration Changes Cancellation Information Redemption of points 40% 60% Call Center (One site) Registration Changes Cancellation Information Redemption of points Call Center Complaints Changes 3. Call Center
3 05 Call Center.ppt Market and Customer Management - Customer Loyalty PRO Outsourcing No bottle neck in capacity No problem with low performance of agents in smooth hours No internal political issues Professional relationship with provider No hiring of additional personal needed CONTRA Outsourcing Better performance of the existing call centers Keep know how within the firm Agents know the firm better and therefore can better inform the customer (cross selling) Existing Infrastructure can be used Skill of agent (under control) Outsource everything Outsource nothing Outsource the overflow during the start up phase Outsource the services out of office time (Mo - Fr: 21: :00, Sa, So,) Outsource parts of the services (e.g. points redemption and collection) Options for call center and back office outsourcing Possible options for outsourcing the call center or the back office 3. Call Center
4 05 Call Center.ppt Market and Customer Management - Customer Loyalty For the planning of the required capacity of the call center and the back office certain assumptions need to be taken 3. Call Center
5 05 Call Center.ppt Market and Customer Management - Customer Loyalty The start up phase lasts 12 months. During this period, the assumed growth of the members will then be as follows: The calculation is on a monthly basis and gives just a rough estimate. A detailed calculation on a daily basis (incl. advertising, etc.) must be done during the set up of the call center and the back office. For the calculation of the capacity on a daily basis, a “Call Center Simulation Tool” is provided on this CD-Rom. For the capacity planning there is also a growth scenario needed 3. Call Center