UNCLASSIFIED Acquisition Planning Talks (APT) TILO 2.0 Small Business Agenda
UNCLASSIFIED Task: Increase meaningful communication between SOF AT&L and Industry Purpose: Provide an effective and consistent forum for government/industry collaboration End State: SOF AT&L Acquisition Planning Talks increase trust and transparency while helping to support Better Buying Power principles APT
UNCLASSIFIED Acquisition Planning Talks (APT) scheduled last Wed/Thur of each month - Visitors are required to register in advance via FedBizOpps and sign-in providing identification - No walk-ins will be allowed to attend - Program Executive Officers (PEO)/Director or deputies will lead each session and provide opening remarks - PEOs/Directors or their deputies will attend each session to address the status of any ongoing acquisition within their portfolio - Q&A session using a panel format - Source selection sensitive/contractor proprietary information won’t be disclosed - No classified information including For Official Use Only (FOUO) will be discussed - Director of Procurement/Contracting Officers or specialists will attend each session to address the status of any ongoing acquisition within their purview APT Cont.
UNCLASSIFIED - Morning will be a “push” of information to Industry - After lunch one on one meetings will take place between Industry and the PEO/PM/KO - Small Business and TILO will also be available in the afternoon - Government will discuss white paper submissions with Industry in the afternoon - TILO events “may” take place that afternoon or the following day APT Cont.
UNCLASSIFIED What is TILO 2.0? -AE is committed to providing more feedback to industry when no briefing is scheduled -Today Asynchronous tomorrow more Synchronous with APTs -“Office Hours” at SOFWERX for TILO & Small Business on third Tuesday of each month TILO 2.0
UNCLASSIFIED Updates -FAR updated to allow for sole source to WOSB and EDWOSB effective 31 Dec 15 -USSOCOM Small Business Goal raised for FY16 and FY17 from 25% to 26%, all other socio-economic goals remain unchanged, SDB 5%, SDVOSB 3%, WOSB 2%, HUBZone 1% -Awarded several Group B Task Orders -Awarded first Alliant Small Business task under SITEC II (Socrates) -Angela Mitchell retiring 1 Apr, position will be backfilled Small Business
UNCLASSIFIED Small Business Program FY14 ($M) FY15 ($M) Reporting Through 30 Sep 15
UNCLASSIFIED Director – Chris Harrington, Associate Director – Angela Mitchell, Small Business Contact Information
UNCLASSIFIED Questions? Wrap Up