TD MANAGEMENT PG PLANNING THE NETWORK Future Needs for Performance Indicators & Road Data.


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Presentation transcript:

TD MANAGEMENT PG PLANNING THE NETWORK Future Needs for Performance Indicators & Road Data

Base Data Referenced Network Performance Indicators Strategic Decisions Base Data Referenced Network Performance Indicators Strategic Decisions

CONSEQUENCES FOR CEDR (EUROPEAN LEVEL)  Monitoring Progress ⇔ Objectives of EU Transport Policy (EC Transport White Paper)  Requirement for Revision Reports on TERN status (+ Other European request for information)

STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVES (1) M8:  Bring together P.I. in a coherent way, in a consistant format at a high level of quality across the CEDR area, as well as improve TERN and road asset statistics  Develop a set of indicators which perfectly meets the needs expressed by the NRAs, thereby allowing road directors to benchmark their network

STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVES (2)  M2: –Promote best practice in the management of road data, the definition of reference systems, and the exchange of data  M3: –Make CEDR members aware of the consequences of new trends on the general network policy within the EU –Promote the improvement of existing networks

Initial Working Group Activities M2 General Planning / Road Networks M3 Road Data M8 Performance Indicators Working Groups for Strategy and policies Planning Performance Review Methodology Etc. The finalised organisation of the WG will be done at the starting meeting in the beginning of 2006 Vision of European Network & FERN Analysing Existing Network Enlargement of TERN TERN PI Handbook TERN PI Monitoring Communication Plan Data Management Best Practice Guide TERN Location Referencing Model Reference Group Activities Methodology of FERN Priority Tasks from Strategic Review PG2 Working GroupsInitial Work Packages Strategy and policies

PG PLANNING THE NETWORK PILOT PROJECTS  TERN Location Referencing  Performance Indicators for the TERN ⇒Due mid 2006 ⇒Future needs for road data/PI

Route of TERN Location Referencing Pilot

PILOT PROJECT 1 LOCATION REFERENCING Base Data Referenced Network Performance Indicators Strategic Decisions Base Data Referenced Network Performance Indicators Strategic Decisions

PILOT 1: LOCATION REFERING BACKGROUND (1)  A robust location referencing model is needed –for the implementation of PI –that meets the NRAs needs –that ensures consistency when networks are changing over time  NRAs are required to supply information to the EC

PILOT 1: LOCATION REFERING BACKGROUND (2)  The consequences of having no commonly accepted referencing model are: –difficulties to report consistently on the TERN –exchange and comparison of data are difficult –comparison of reports over time may be difficult

PILOT 1: LOCATION REFERING BACKGROUND (4 STEPS)  Launched by former SG RD  Design and develop a model (2002)  Proof of concept (2004)  Pilot project (2006) –Means for implementation –Adjustment of model –Examples  Practical implementation (2007 and later)

PILOT 1: LOCATION REFERING CONCLUSIONS (1)  The location referencing method: –can be used by different countries to reference TERN –is robust stable –can accommodate changes to the physical network –should include date attributes –should have fixed modes

PILOT 1: LOCATION REFERING CONCLUSIONS (2)  Aggregation rules: –will be a matter for NRAs –will depend on the data types and on the objectives  The method is applicable on all networks ⇒ The TERN location referencing method may become a common European standard

PILOT PROJECT 2 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Base Data Referenced Network Performance Indicators Strategic Decisions Base Data Referenced Network Performance Indicators Strategic Decisions

P2: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS DOMAINS COVERED –Amount of traffic –Amount of transport –Speed limit –Number of accidents (with injuries) –Number of fatalities –Congestion hours

P2: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS CONCLUSIONS (1) –It is possible to produce PI from existing data –Lack of consistency → Number of PI is limited –Identifying and extracting are easier if the data are hold within the NRA –No consensus on a definition of condition data –Agreement of reporting requirements would help data extraction

P2: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS CONCLUSIONS (2)  A wider range of indicators is possible if: –additional data are available –the process is different  Business case is needed (based on the implementation options)

PG PLANNING THE NETWORK FUTURE ACTIVITIES (1) T1: TERN Location Referencing Model Objective: Produce a robust model for the TERN to underpin the use of PI Target: TERN Location Referencing Handbook Target: TERN Location Referencing Handbook Date:

PG PLANNING THE NETWORK FUTURE ACTIVITIES (2) T2: Performance Indicators Handbook Objective: Produce a detailed technical handbook to enable MS to produce PI for the TERN based on consistent, commonly-defined data Targets: TERN PI Handbook Date:

PG PLANNING THE NETWORK FUTURE ACTIVITIES (3) T3: Implementation and Ongoing Performance Monitoring Objective: Develop tools and methods for data exchange to support the implementation of PI and performance monitoring Targets: Assessment of options + Recommandations TERN Benchmark Report TERN Benchmark Report Final report Final report Date: Date:

PG PLANNING THE NETWORK FUTURE ACTIVITIES (4)  T4: Updated Data Management Best Practice Guide Objective: Update the existing report Target: Best Practice Guide on Data Management V.2 Management V.2 Date: ?

PG PLANNING THE NETWORK ISSUES TO CONSIDER Adoption of the Location Referencing Model by all CEDR to form the basis of the next TERN Revision Report