Seal Surfer By: Michael Foreman
Multiple meaning words Homographs
Words that are written the same, but can mean different things Homograph
Noun A long rolling wave in the water Swell
The surfer rode the swell on his surfboard. Swell
Verb To become larger Swell
I sprained my ankle and it began to swell. Swell
The population has swelled in recent years. The heavy rains swelled the river. Swell
Verb To ride the waves Surf
He began to surf the waves. Surf
Verb To scan over things Surf
We surfed the internet for information on bears. Surf
Verb To strike against powerfully Buffeted
He was buffeted against the rocks. Buffeted
Noun A meal set out on a table Buffet
We love to eat at Valentino’s buffet. Buffet
Noun A dock where ships are loaded and unloaded Quay
We waited for the ships to come in by the quay. Quay
Verb To rest in a pleasant warmth Basked
The swimmers basked on their towels after being in the cold water. Basked
The young boy watched the seals everyday from the quay. He enjoyed watching them bask in the sun after they swam in the swells. He loved seeing how they swooped in and out of the water. He even went out to surf with them when the waters wouldn’t be to rough to buffet him off his board. Paragraph