University Technology Fee Advisory Board Funding Request April 13, 2010 Colorado State University Libraries
Computing in the Library Use Statistics Colorado State University Libraries
Desktop Computer Use March 31 st - April 2 nd 2010
Colorado State University Libraries Laptop Checkouts Spring Semester Comparison 2009 and 2010
Colorado State University Libraries Laptop Availability All Units Checked Out ALL MAC and DELL LAPTOPS are currently checked out – Please wait in line next to the pillar east of the desk for the next available laptop. Sorry for the inconvenience ALL MAC and DELL LAPTOPS are currently checked out – Please wait in line next to the pillar east of the desk for the next available laptop. Sorry for the inconvenience DateTime Dell Laptops (187) MacBooks (31) February 161:35 pm February 168:20 pm February 216:31 pm March 73:15 pm March 77:10 pm March 9 2:19 pm March 92:42 pm March 1011:20 am
Funding Proposals Colorado State University Libraries
HDTVs Library Group Study Rooms $33, inch HDTVs equip 11 group study rooms wall jacks will include VGA, HDMI, and audio price includes mounting kits and professional installation
eBooks and the Library Current Morgan Library eBook collection 119,000 titles and growing web-based publications (EBL, Springer, NetLibrary) accessible anytime, anywhere Colorado State University Libraries
Checkout e-Readers $1,000 Sony Reader - $300 Barnes and Noble Nook - $260 Amazon Kindle - $260 Library committee currently examining available products UTFAB “focus group” assessment Colorado State University Libraries
Checkout Computer Tablets $7,000 HP Slates (approximately $700 each) 8 to 10 units eBook reading; light computing 32GB SDHC flash memory card device case three-day checkout Colorado State University Libraries
Computer Replacement Cycle Desktop computers extend to 4-year replacement 101 PCs will be re-scheduled for refreshing next fiscal year Checkout laptops 3-year replacement Colorado State University Libraries
Proposed Expenditure FY QuantityCost Per UnitTotal Cost Public Workstations Replacement CPU’s Computer Classrooms 1 and 2 (completed extended service test of one additional year)44 $ 650 $ 28,600 Replacement Monitors57 $ 245 $ 13,965 Circulating Laptops Replacement Windows Laptops75 $ 1,100 $ 82,500 Replacement MacBooks10 $ 900 $ 9,000 Group Study Room HDTVs Samsung 52-inch HDTV11 $ 1,500 $ 16,500 Installation11 $ 1,500 $ 16,500 e-Readers HP Slate8-10 $ $ 7,000 e-Readers (Sony, Nook, and/or Kindle) $ 1,000 Total $ 175,065
Colorado State University Libraries Thank you
Colorado State University Libraries Video Wall and Video Conference System Presentation Room 1, 1 st Floor 50/50 Cost Share $14,318 (50/50 cost share) Video wall Four 52-inch thin-bezel LCD panels Dell T3500 workstation mounting kit, control box, rack $16,000 (50/50 cost share) LifeSize video conference system
Colorado State University Libraries Checkout Pocket Video Cameras $280 each 1 st camera - 50/50 cost share 2 nd camera - Library purchase Kodak zi8 32GB SDHC flash memory card Device case Three day checkout
Colorado State University Libraries Video Studio Morgan Library, 1 st Floor Fall 2010 Completion $10,000 ( 50/50 cost share) Video studio equipment Mac Pro Final Cut video editing Editing table, microphone, light kit, tripod $14,022 (Library funded) New 12’ x 12’ studio room
Computing Behavioral Sciences Building Fall 2010 Supplemental Funding $48,000 Checkout laptops (40) $8,000 Media scanning stations (4) Colorado State University Libraries
Pay for Print System Behavioral Sciences Building Fall 2010 Supplemental Funding $26,000 Pharos Print System Laser printers Black-and-white and color printing Opportunity to explore cooperative initiatives for campus-wide print standardization
Colorado State University Libraries Proposed Expenditure FY QuantityCost Per UnitTotal Cost Public Workstations Replacement CPU's101 $ 650 $ 65,650 Replacement CPU’s Computer Classrooms 1 and 2 (completed extended service test of one additional year)44 $ 650 $ 28,600 Replacement Monitors57 $ 245 $ 13,965 Circulating Laptops Replacement Windows Laptops75 $ 1,100 $ 82,500 Replacement MacBooks10 $ 900 $ 9,000 Total $ 199,715
Colorado State University Libraries
Web Conferencing Group Study Room 211B, 2 nd Floor $5,133 Adobe Connect Pro, licensing 52-inch HDTV Dell Optiplex 380 Webcam and USB cable checkout Colorado State University Libraries