Next steps on the Public Health Outcomes Framework
Outline Publication of the first Public Health Outcomes Framework What has happened since January Overview of the forthcoming Autumn publication Beyond Autumn 2012
Timeline November 2010: Public health white paper - Healthy lives, healthy people: Our strategy for public health in England - published December March 2011: Public consultation on Healthy Lives, Healthy People (including consultation on outcomes framework) July 2011: Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Update and way forward published January 2012: First Public Health Outcomes Framework published Autumn 2012: Updated Public Health Outcomes Framework documents and baseline data to be published April 2013: Public Health Outcomes Framework comes into operation April 2016: The second Public Health Outcomes Framework?
Publication of the first Public Health Outcomes Framework Launched by the Secretary of State for Health on 23 January 2012 in three parts: Part 1: Introduces the overarching vision for public health, the outcomes we want to achieve and the indicators that will help us understand how well we are improving and protecting health Part 2: Specifies all the technical details we can currently supply for each public health indicator and indicates where we will conduct further work to fully specify all indicators Part 3: Impact Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment These documents are found at ndGuidance/DH_ ndGuidance/DH_132358
Content of the first Public Health Outcomes Framework Focused on two high level outcomes we want to achieve across the public health system and beyond: Increased healthy life expectancy Reduced differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy between communities through greater improvements in more disadvantaged communities Supported by a set of 66 supporting public health indicators to help focus our understanding of how well we are doing year by year. Split over four domains: Improving the wider determinants of health Health improvement Health protection Healthcare public health and preventing premature mortality
What has happened since January 2012? DH have been working in partnership with the network of Public Health Observatories (PHOs) to: Take forward work to develop full definitions for the indicators, particularly placeholders Better understand what equalities and inequalities breakdowns are feasible for each indicator, at national and local authority level Establish what baseline data we can publish in Autumn 2012 Develop a web tool for the publication of PHOF baseline data Continue to work closely with indicator leads across government and other experts to co-produce indicators and to ensure we meet user needs for the baseline (and future) publications Work with colleagues in the Public Health England Transition Team to ensure a smooth transition DH PHOF leads have been working closely with leads from the other DH- sponsored outcomes frameworks (NHSOF, COF, ASCOF) and wider outcomes strategies to ensure work is joined up
Overview of what will be published in Autumn Updated technical specification document Rationale Readiness of indicator Definition Data source Current reporting 2.Updated information on what data breakdowns are available / feasible for the PHOF indicators Geographical breakdowns Equalities strands Inequalities strands 3.First set of baseline data for the PHOF indicators (expected to cover around a third of indicators) England level Upper tier LA level Further data breakdowns for some indicators
Work So Far Each of the 9 Public Health Observatories in England have been involved in developing the indicators and producing baselines for the PHOF – with indicators having been assigned based on lead policy areas and existing expertise. Decision to create webtool based on Fingertips - Database and web platform developed by ERPHO to visualise almost any kind of indicator using an array of display techniques & statistical methods and to efficiently manage indicator data used in multiple PHO publications Currently used for: Suite of reporting tools for East of England, West Midlands and East Midlands National General Practice Profiles Smoking profiles (to be added later in 2012) Sexual Health Scorecard (to be added later in 2012)
Functionality of the webtool In the first release we hope to include the following Spine charts RAG charts Bar charts Expanded metadata Ability to extract data to excel (or other format) PDF generator Extract pictures of the charts
Data Hope to publish data relating to around 25 of the 66 indicators in the Autumn At England and Upper Tier Local Authority level Using the baseline year as 2010 or 2010/11 Include some inequalities data. Some of this may be at national level only. Updated technical specification Updated information on breakdowns Second tranche of indicators hoped to be published sometime early next year and will include around 20 further indicators Public Health England will take responsibility for monitoring and reporting progress against the Public Health Outcomes Framework from April 2013
Beyond Autumn 2012 Although the first phase of work will take us up to Autumn 2012, the development work will not stop there! Work will continue to: Work up full technical specifications for remaining placeholders Publish additional baseline data (as data becomes available / definitions are finalised) Continuously improve the way that PHOF indicators are measured Extend the number of PHOF indicators for which we publish inequalities / equalities breakdowns Maintain and improve alignment between the PHOF and other outcomes frameworks / strategies Work with PHETT / PHE to ensure a smooth transition for future publication of PHOF data by PHE from April 2013, in particular to ensure that the format and content continues to meet the needs of users Further development of the web tool
Contact details / Useful links Useful contacts PHOF leads in DH: Jazz Bhogal (Policy lead) – Clare Jones (Analytical lead) – PHO co-ordinator of PHOF development work: Nick Coyle (London Health Observatory) - Link to published documents Public Health Outcomes Framework (published January 2012) ndGuidance/DH_132358