College Transfer Pathway Requirements High school junior and seniors may enroll if they have… 1.A weighted GPA of 3.0 or higher 2.Demonstrated college readiness on one of the approved placement tests list below. Career & Technical Pathway Requirements High school juniors and seniors may enroll if they have… 1.A recommendation of their high school principal or designee or a weighted GPA of 3.0 or higher. 2.Met the prerequisites for the career pathway. Two Pathways Students must enroll in one pathway and A program of study. Courses in one may not Substitute for courses in another program. Students may choose to follow either the College Transfer Pathway or the Career & Technical Education Pathway PLANAccuplacer EnglishReadingMathEnglishReadingMath (Old Test) Required Score Sentence Skills80 Reading55 Arithmetic and 75 Elem Algebra SATACT English Critical ReadingMathEnglishReadingMath Required Score PSAT (2014 and earlier)PSAT (2015 and after)* Critical ReadingMathWritingCritical ReadingMathWriting Required Score *Pending final review of official documentation regarding the 2015 PSAT update. NC DAP - MathNC DAP - English Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5Module 6Combined Score Required Score
Associate in Arts Career & College Promise College Transfer Pathway The Associate in Arts College Transfer Pathway (AACTP) is designed for high school juniors and seniors who wish to begin study toward the Associate in Arts degree and a baccalaureate degree in a non- STEM major. The AACTP is a structured set of courses included in the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) between the University of North Carolina Community College System. General Education (31-32 SHC) The general education requirement includes study in courses selected from the Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) component of the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. (All Universal General Education Transfer Component courses in which the student earns a grade of “C” or better will transfer for equivalency credit up to the distribution limits detailed in the CAA.) SectionCourseSHC English Composition (6 SHC) The following two English composition courses are required ENG 111Writing and Inquiry3 ENG 112Writing/Research in the Disciplines3 Humanities/Fine Arts/Communications (9SHC) Select three from the following from at least two different disciplines COM 231Public Speaking3 ART 111Art Appreciation3 ART 114Art History Survey I3 ART 115Art History Survey II3 ENG 231American Literature I3 ENG 232American Literature II3 MUS 110Music Appreciation3 MUS 112Introduction to Jazz3 PHI 240Introduction to Ethics3 Social/Behavioral Sciences (9SHC) Select three from the following from at least two different disciplines ECO 251Principles of Microeconomics3 ECO 252Principles of Macroeconomics3 HIS 111World Civilizations I3 HIS 112World Civilizations II3 HIS 131American History I3 HIS 132American History II3 POL 120American Government3 PSY 150General Psychology3 SOC 210Introduction to Sociology3
SectionCourseSHC Math (3-4 SHC) Select one from the following: MAT 143Quantitative Literacy3 MAT 152Statistical Methods I4 MAT 171Precalculus Algebra4 Natural Sciences (4SHC) Select one from the following: AST 111 & AST 111ADescriptive Astronomy3 Descriptive Astronomy Lab1 AST 151 & AST 151AGeneral Astronomy I3 General Astronomy I Lab1 BIO 110Principles of Biology4 BIO 111General Biology I4 CHM 151General Chemistry4 PHY 110 & PHY 110AConceptual Physics3 Conceptual Physics Lab1 Total General Education Hours Required SHC Other Required Hours (1 SHC) Academic Transition The following course is required: ACA 122College Transfer Success1 Total Semester Hours Credit (SHC) in Program: 32 High school students in the CCP College Transfer Pathway leading to the Associate in Arts must complete the entire pathway before taking additional courses in the Associates in Arts degree. *OPTIONAL GENERAL EDUCATION HOURS (0-8 SHC) A student may take up to 8 SHC of foreign language courses and accompanying labs, in a single language, designated as General Education in the CAA as a part of this pathway. These courses are not a part of the Universal General Education Transfer Component. Students who complete these courses with a grade of “C” or better will receive transfer credit. The receiving university will determine whether the courses will count as general education, pre-major, or elective credit. SPA 111 Elementary Spanish I (3 SHC) SPA 112 Elementary Spanish II (3 SHC)
Associate in Science Career & College Promise College Transfer Pathway The Associate in Science College Transfer Pathway (ASCTP) is designed for high school juniors and seniors who wish to begin study toward the Associate in Science degree and a baccalaureate degree in a STEM or technical major. The ASCTP is a structured set of courses included in the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) between the University of North Carolina Community College System. General Education (34 SHC) The general education requirement includes study in courses selected from the Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) component of the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. (All Universal General Education Transfer Component courses in which the student earns a grade of “C” or better will transfer for equivalency credit up to the distribution limits detailed in the CAA.) SectionCourseSHC English Composition (6 SHC) The following two English composition courses are required ENG 111Writing and Inquiry3 ENG 112Writing/Research in the Disciplines3 Humanities/Fine Arts/Communications (6 SHC) Select three from the following from at least two different disciplines COM 231Public Speaking3 ART 111Art Appreciation3 ART 114Art History Survey I3 ART 115Art History Survey II3 ENG 231American Literature I3 ENG 232American Literature II3 ENG 241British Literature I3 ENG 242British Literature II3 MUS 110Music Appreciation3 MUS 112Introduction to Jazz3 PHI 240Introduction to Ethics3 Math (8 SHC) Select two from the following: MAT 171Precalculus Algebra4 MAT 172Precalculus Trigonometry4 MAT 263Brief Calculus4 MAT 271Calculus I4 MAT 272Calculus II4
social/Behavioral Sciences (6 SHC) Select two from the following from at least two different disciplines ECO 251Principles of Microeconomics 3 ECO 252Principles of Macroeconomics3 HIS 111World Civilizations I3 HIS 112World Civilizations II3 HIS 131American History I3 HIS 132American History II3 POL 120American Government3 PSY 150General Psychology3 SOC 210Introduction to Sociology3 Natural Sciences (8 SHC) Select 8 SHC from the following courses: AST 151 & AST 151AGeneral Astronomy I3 General Astronomy I Lab1 BIO 110Principles of Biology4 BIO 111 & BIO 112General Biology I4 General Biology II4 CHM 151 & CHM 152General Chemistry4 General Chemistry II4 PHY 110 & PHY 110AConceptual Physics3 Conceptual Physics Lab1 PHY 151 & PHY 152College Physics I4 College Physics II4 PHY 251 & PHY 252General Physics I4 General Physics II4 Total General Education Hours Required 34 SHC Other Required Hours (1 SHC) Academic Transition The following course is required: ACA 122College Transfer Success1 Total Semester Hours Credit (SHC) in Program: 35 High school students in the CCP College Transfer Pathway leading to the Associate in Arts must complete the entire pathway before taking additional courses in the Associates in Arts degree. *OPTIONAL GENERAL EDUCATION HOURS (0-8 SHC) A student may take up to 8 SHC of foreign language courses and accompanying labs, in a single language, designated as General Education in the CAA as a part of this pathway. These courses are not a part of the Universal General Education Transfer Component. Students who complete these courses with a grade of “C” or better will receive transfer credit. The receiving university will determine whether the courses will count as general education, pre-major, or elective credit. SPA 111 Elementary Spanish I (3 SHC) SPA 112 Elementary Spanish II (3 SHC)
Career & Technical Education Pathway PROGRAMS OF STUDY
Career & Technical Education Pathway PROGRAMS OF STUDY
Career & Technical Education Pathway PROGRAMS OF STUDY
Career & Technical Education Pathway PROGRAMS OF STUDY
Career & Technical Education Pathway PROGRAMS OF STUDY
Career & Technical Education Pathway PROGRAMS OF STUDY
Career & Technical Education Pathway PROGRAMS OF STUDY
Career & Technical Education Pathway PROGRAMS OF STUDY