Morning Announcements created by Brentwood Magnet Elementary School of Engineering Art Club Friday, January 13, 2012
Weather High –52 Degrees Low – 30 Degrees Partly Cloudy
School News Early Release Day –T–Today, January 13, 12:30 PM Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday –N–NO SCHOOL Monday, January 16 STEM Night –J–January 19, 6:00-7:30 PM
Breakfast/Lunch Menu LUNCH MENU Hot dog with bun with chili Fish fillet sandwich Baked beans Creamy coleslaw Oven baked fries Chilled pineapples BREAKFAST Egg and cheese biscuit French toast sticks with Syrup
Fun Fact of the Day Did you know that the University of North Carolina was the first public university in the United States to open its doors?
Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day Why Do We Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Just days after his death in 1968, Congress introduced a bill intended to recognize his birthday as a national holiday, but it took almost 20 years for the bill to become law. Although King’s ideals were embraced by many, there were certainly those who resisted his call for change, and, after his death, worked against recognizing his many achievements. These groups pointed out the cost to the country (said to be in the billions) of another national holiday on the calendar and questioned why the United States should recognize King over any other well-known person. Yet King’s supporters pressed on, offering up petitions and conducting marches--just the way King would have done things himself--until the bill was signed into law and the first official Martin Luther King Jr. Day was celebrated in In the state of New Hampshire, the holiday is officially called "Civil Rights Day."
Happy Friday ! If you would like to submit an announcement please communicate with Mrs. Eaton or an Art Club member. Thank You Today’s Announcement Created By: Brittanni Williams, 5 th Grade, Art Club Members Mehlah Jacobs, 5 th Grade, Art Club Members