Robin Harley, Ph.D. Welcome to Seminar Unit 7
Agenda Unit 6 review Research – What it is not – What it is Locating good information on the Internet Unit 7 project Unit 8 preview
Unit 6 Review What were your overall impressions of the Unit 6 project? Which sector of healthcare did you choose?
Discussion Question 1 What do you think of when you hear the word “research”?
What research is not Looking up the symptoms of the flu on WebMD Looking into your family history Reading about an area before moving there Looking up articles for a paper – even if it is called a “research paper!”
What Research Is It is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information. It is done to fill in the gaps in our knowledge. It involves research studies that can be descriptive or experimental. Clinical trials are experimental research studies.
Discussion Question 2 What is eHealth?
Discussion Question 3 Why must health providers and consumers be careful in evaluating whether or not the internet information, product, or service is appropriate?
Unit 7 Assignment At least 15 resources related to your general field or health-related interests Resources are written out as APA-style references Underneath, write short paragraphs about each source
Unit 7 Assignment Five categories of resources – Current issues – Professional associations: Professional orgs. like the ones discussed in your profession PowerPoints in Doc Sharing or in Unit 2 seminar – Educational resources – Professional (academic) journals: Examples: The New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association – Areas of current research: “Current” can be studies going on now or published in the last few years
What’s Wrong With These References? References nicotine.htm
References Microsoft Corporation. (2011). Microsoft clipart. Retrieved from