JA Take Stock In Your Future
Benefits of owning stock when earnings are good. Stock Price Your stock price goes up making you a profit if you decide to sell your shares of stock. Dividends Your company decides to share the profits with it’s shareholders by paying them a dividend.
What can cause a stock price to rise? Earnings, earnings, earnings Good news – analyst opinions New product offerings FDA drug approval Changes in the economy
Examples 1)Apple iPods allow you to take music with you wherever you go. 2)A corporation is able to buy used equipment rather than new equipment and saves money. 3)Gas prices rise, so sales of the new hybrid cars (using less gas) go up.
Warren Buffett invests in Bank of America, stock jumps
What can cause a stock price to fall? Earnings, earnings, earnings Bad news - analyst opinions Cost of production is higher than expected FDA denies drug approval Changes in the economy
Examples 1)Knockoff Hollister shirts are released that are cheaper than the original ones. 2)Florida crops freeze over, causing Tropicana to raise its orange juice prices to cover its increased cost of production. 3)SUV sales went down when gas prices went up
“Abercrombie drops 9% after 'Jersey Shore' diss” "We are deeply concerned that Mr. Sorrentino's association with our brand could cause significant damage to our image. We understand that the show is for entertainment purposes, but believe this association is contrary to the aspirational nature of our brand, and may be distressing to many of our fans.“
Buying stock is
Stock Table A stock table contains basic information on the changes in the stock market for a day. Information in a stock table includes: Abbreviation of company name (example: Allstate = ALL) Year high and low for that particular stock How many stocks changed hands for that company within the day The highest and lowest prices paid for that stock during the day The day’s closing price and its difference from yesterday’s closing price Dividend on the stock
“Apple Computer Set to Go Public Today; Massachusetts Bars Sale of Stock as Risky” Apple made less than $100 million from selling stock to the public Today Apple is worth $380 Billion
How Apple can have an effect on other stocks
How do you plan to earn your $1 Million Dollars?
Let’s get ready to trade! Floor traders with handheld computers will come to your table to take trading orders. There are more tables than traders, so you will need to get their attention! Three large screens will display the following: Team Net Worth, Daily Stock Prices, Trading Days from 1 to 60 and Graphical Depictions of Stock Performance. To track progress, Portfolio Statements may be obtained from any of the on-site printing stations.
All trades made after the initial stock picks will be subject to a trading commission of 1.25%, which will be automatically deducted from the team’s total. Students will receive updates on world events, industry developments, etc. throughout the event; this news will affect stock prices and will challenge participants to think on their feet. Trading will commence with the ringing of a bell and continue for 30 minutes. After a 15-minute break, trading will resume for another 30 minutes and finish at the ringing of the bell.