ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Changes in TIR formalities in European Community – obligatory TIR-NCTS Służba Celna RP Polish Customs Service
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, As of 1 January 2009 obligatory use of NCTS obligatory use of NCTS for TIR operations on the customs territory of the European Community – art. 454 – 457b of Implementing Provisions to Community Customs Code (Reg 2454/93) – text of the changes contained in document TAXUD/1530/05
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Requirements for TIR carnet holders (Community and third countries) obligatory electronic submission of TIR carnet data to NCTS system - additionally to presentation of paper TIR carnet requirement concerns situations: -TIR carnet is presented in internal office of departure in EU -TIR carnet is presented in border office of entry to EU
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Requirements for TIR carnet holders (Community and third countries) in case of several loadings / unloadings - several electronic TIR declarations are required if in course of TIR transport the consignment leaves and re-enters EU territory – new electronic TIR declaration is required
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Important ! No electronic submission of TIR data – TIR operation cannot be started in Community (rejection of TIR carnet) Only exemption – NCTS system does not work – procedure solely on the basis of TIR carnet
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Options for sending TIR data to NCTS – in Polish Customs Administration using web application TIR-EPD provided and maintained by IRU, building of own application - based on XML specifications published on – Sluzba Celna – Informatyzacja – NCTS, - registration of trader in national database PDR is required (for identification)
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Options for sending TIR data to NCTS – in Polish Customs Administration buying application on the market - registration of trader in national database PDR is required (for identification) using services of customs representatives (agents)
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, TIRcarnetTIRcarnet paper document IE15 message IE15 message customs office of departure/entry of departure/entry customs office of departure/entry of departure/entry LRN number
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, TAD customs office of departure/entry of departure/entry customs office of departure/entry of departure/entry TIRcarnet
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, customs office of departure/entry customs office of departure/entry customs office of destination/exit destination/exit customs office of destination/exit destination/exit IE 01
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, customs office of departure/entry customs office of departure/entry + customs office of destination/exit of destination/exit customs office of destination/exit of destination/exit TIR carnet
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, customs office of destination/exit customs office of destination/exit customs office of departure/entry customs office of departure/entry IE06 control IE18 TIR carnet
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Benefits of using NCTS-TIR effective monitoring of the TIR operation by NCTS (electronic messages) quicker information on the end of TIR operation and quicker discharge of TIR operation on EU territory (tear off part of volet No 2 is not sent back) reduction of the number of unnecessary pre- notifications and notifications
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Pilot exercises Test messages sent from TIR-EPD application to PL NCTS system – positive results. We encourage TIR carnet holders to electronically send TIR data to NCTS in pilot phase with the use of TIR- EPD application. It can help to eliminate potential errors and avoid any problems after pilot offices: Korczowa, Medyka, Koroszczyn, Kuźnica, Bobrowniki 1st December 2008 – all customs offices
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Information Leaflets prepared by Polish Customs Service available for TIR Carnet holders in customs offices (Russian language)
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Contact details Polish Customs Service Centrum Wsparcia NCTS (Help Desk) tel Ministerstwo Finansów – Departament Polityki Celnej tel , fax
ASMAP IRU Conference TIR-EPD Moscow, Thank you for your attention Questions ?