LHC Beampipes Ray Veness / AT-VAC FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness
Contents o General requirements for LHC room temperature beam vacuum o Vacuum equipment relevant to FP420 o Bellows modules o Instrumentation assemblies o Beam position monitors o TOTEM roman pots (from a vacuum perspective) o Summary FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness
FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness Key Vacuum Requirements Relevant to FP420 o Physical Aperture o Beam screens on both sides have 34.3 mm vertical and 44 mm horizontal section o Electrical requirements at low and high frequency o Low frequency o The requirement is a function of geometry (diameter, thickness) and material – see spec. o Standard LSS vacuum chambers are 80 mm diameter, 2 mm thick copper o High frequency o Limits on sharp internal profile transitions (15° is standard) o Cavities such as bellows and pumping ports have RF shields (see slide on bellows) o Vacuum / surface requirements o All standard LHC chambers are NEG coated o Materials with high SEY (eg, aluminium, beryllium) must have NEG coating o Some short stainless steel or copper sections do not have NEG coating o All standard sections are baked to 250 C to activate NEG o Some short lengths are only baked to ~150 C to de-gas water o Designs and Materials o All designs and materials used for forming part of the LHC beam vacuum system must be approved by AT-VAC, and acceptance tested before installation o This includes ‘standard’ materials such as stainless steels
Warm Vacuum Functional Specification FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness This specification is being revised, but contains more information on many of the main requirements for the LSS vacuum system
Room temperature Bellows modules o Bellows Concept: o Designed to be modular, composed of o body with flanges and bellows o Removable copper inserts with Cu-Be RF contacts o 100+ variants for the ~1600 installed in the LHC machine o Design o Standard LSS bellows are all RF screened o Some exceptions, agreed with Accelerator Physics group, with special designs for LHC experiments (see next slide) o Bakeable to 250°C o Standard bellows units are not NEG coated FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness
Non-standard bellows for LHC Experiments o Justifications to date o Special request from the experiment for minimisation of material close to the interaction point o Examples in all 4 large experiments o Limited transverse space, leaving no room for implementation of RF contacts o Inside the ATLAS calorimeter o There are ~25 such bellows around the 4 large LHC experiments o Procedure o Derogation to install given by the Accelerator Physics group leader o Design a bellows according to vacuum group guidelines to minimise impact on the machine FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness
FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness Vacuum Instrumentation Functional Requirements o Separate the cold and warm vacuum sectors o Type 47 VAT RF-screened all-metal valve o Different diameters exist in the LHC o Interlock the valve between warm and cold sectors o low and high pressure gauges on both sides of valve o Allow initial pump-out of vacuum chambers o At least one roughing valve per sector o Pump non-getterable gasses in the warm sector o Ion pumps on the warm side of the valve o Diagnostics for vacuum status o Low pressure gauges and gas analysers installed where required o Mechanical flexibility o Lateral offsets for alignment of objects o Axial compression during bakeout of warm sector (7m chamber) o Bellows on both sides of valve o Safety o Over-pressure rupture disc o Detection of beam obstacles o Reflectometers installed in some places
Beam Position Monitors o General o Fulfill all vacuum requirements PLUS beam instrumentation o Solid stainless steel body o Bakeable, but not NEG coated o 4 button electrodes o A number of variants for the LHC warm sectors o Mounted on rigid, alignable structures with survey targets FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness
FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness TOTEM Roman Pots were designed in close collaboration with the vacuum group
FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness
Roman Pot Bakeout FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness
Summary o Requirements o The LHC beam vacuum has many inter-linked requirements with accelerator physics, beam instrumentation, cryogenics, magnets etc o There is close control on anything that may impact on the LHC performance or reliability o LHC Vacuum components o There are many variants of ‘standard’ vacuum components in the LHC o They have all been designed, produced and tested according to the same strict criteria o Non-standard components o A number of non-standard components are installed, mainly related to the LHC experiments, but: o Make sure first there is not something that has already been developed and tested that can do the job o Be prepared to defend the justification for installation, and the impact on the machine FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness
Additional Material FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness
FP XII 08Beam Vacuum- R.Veness Vacuum Schematic eg LHCLSVI_0014 Drawing STDVTGS_0001 explains symbols