LENIN AND STALIN AP European History Unit 10
Soviet Union A. Russia under LeninComintern founded in 1919
“Comrade Lenin cleanses the world of scum”, 1920
“Long Live the International proletarian Revolution,” 1925
Ruthless oppression a. Terror: Cheka b. War Communism i. Definition ii. Plan iii. Peasant response
Kronstadt Rebellion, 1921
New Economic Policy (NEP) a.Instituted after civil war b. b.Response to: c. c.Some capitalist measures allowed d. d.Government still controlled heavy industry
To what extent was Russia changed by Lenin? a. 1922, Russia renamed Soviet Union; capital moved from Petrograd to Moscow b. Old social structure abolished—titles for nobility ended. c. Loss of influence of eastern Orthodox church d. Russians had greater expectations of freedom e. Women gained equality (in theory)
“What the October Revolution gave the worker, the peasant, and women”, 1920
Lenin’s demise a. Series of strokes in 1922; left no successor b. Trotsky vs. Stalin
Soviet Union under Stalin 1. Stalin in firm control by December 1927 (total control by 1929) “Socialism in one country”
2. Five-Year Plans a. “Revolution from above” b. Goals b. Goals c. First Five-Year Plan (1928) i. Objectives i. Objectives ii. Implementation ii. Implementation iii. Results iii. Results d. Second Five-Year Plan d. Second Five-Year Plan
Dam built during Stalin’s First Five-Year Plan
“Enemies of the Five-Year Plan,” 1931, Viktor Deni
“To Collective Work,” 1929
3. Collectivization a. Purpose b. Goals c. Response to collectivization Kulaks d. Results i. 7 million starved to death i. 7 million starved to death ii. Did not increase agriculture ii. Did not increase agriculture
“Collective Farm at Work,” 1930
“Come, Comrade, Join us on the Collective Farm”
“Toward a Prosperous Cultured Life,” 1934
“We Will Keep the Kulaks from the Collective Farms,” 1930
The results of famine in the Ukraine due to collectivization
Livestock in Ukraine YearHorsesCattleSheepHogs19285,300,0008,600,0008,100,0007,000, ,600,0004,400,0002,000,0002,000,000
4. Social impact of Stalinism a. Benefits to workers b. Women
5. The Great Terror: The Great Terror: Old Bolsheviks a. Old Bolsheviks – purge trials b. Purge of the military c. As many as 5 million people killed d. Gulags in Siberia