Welcome !! Class Syllabus Ms. Arias “mathematics can be your best friend if you will use it frequently but it can be your worst enemy if you will neglect using it daily” Elmor Earl F. Leonor
Reflection What does the previous quote mean to you? What does the previous quote mean to you?
Instructor Information Instructor: Ms. Arias Instructor: Ms. Arias Room #: 273 Room #: Phone: (305) , Phone: (305) , extension 2273 extension 2273
Class Materials PENCIL, pen, eraser PENCIL, pen, eraser Notebook Notebook Scientific Calculator Scientific Calculator Protractor Protractor Compass Compass Graphing paper Graphing paper
Grading Scale A B C D F Below 60 Homework, Class work and activities 25% Tests 50% and Quizzes 25% End Of The Year Exam (EOC)
Homework Students will be assigned homework after every lecture. Students will be assigned homework after every lecture. Students are responsible to write down homework assignment. Students are responsible to write down homework assignment. Late homework will only be given full credit if you have a valid admit. Late homework will only be given full credit if you have a valid admit. Homework is graded by effort. (Try every problem even if you don’t understand it!!) Homework is graded by effort. (Try every problem even if you don’t understand it!!)
Bell Work Students will be responsible for completing bell work everyday during the first 10 minutes of class. Students will be responsible for completing bell work everyday during the first 10 minutes of class. Bell work must be done in the same paper in order to obtain points. Bell work must be done in the same paper in order to obtain points.
Class Schedule: 0-10 Min students are to complete Bell work, while teacher checks homework Min students are to complete Bell work, while teacher checks homework. The teacher will go over any questions from previous homework assignment. The teacher will go over any questions from previous homework assignment. Lesson of the day Lesson of the day Classwork/activity Classwork/activity Assign Homework Assign Homework
ABSENCES Makeup work is the student’s responsibility, homework will only be graded if the student has a valid ADMIT Makeup work is the student’s responsibility, homework will only be graded if the student has a valid ADMIT The student must turn in homework next class after the teacher has sign the admit, If not it will be considered late and points will be deducted. The student must turn in homework next class after the teacher has sign the admit, If not it will be considered late and points will be deducted. Student will be allowed to make up test and quizzes ONLY with a valid admit. Student will be allowed to make up test and quizzes ONLY with a valid admit.
Passes You may not go to the restroom during ANY lesson or assessment. You may not go to the restroom during ANY lesson or assessment. NO passes will be given during the first and last 15 min of any period. NO passes will be given during the first and last 15 min of any period. Abuse of passes will result in the entire period’s pass privilege to be taken away. Abuse of passes will result in the entire period’s pass privilege to be taken away.
Student Expectations You are expected to be in class, seated, and QUIET when the bell rings. You are expected to be in class, seated, and QUIET when the bell rings. You should come to class prepared to learn. You should come to class prepared to learn. You will always show respect for yourself, other students, any adult, and all objects in the room. You will always show respect for yourself, other students, any adult, and all objects in the room. You will always do your best and realize that everyone can improve. You will always do your best and realize that everyone can improve.
Checking For Understanding Answer the questions. Write on a separate piece of paper. I will collect it. Answer the questions. Write on a separate piece of paper. I will collect it. 1. How does the point system work in terms of the homework? 2. When is the best time to do your make up tests/quizzes? 3. If you are not being successful in this class, what steps will you take?