You are a graduate nursing student. One rare day, you find time to read the newspaper. Here are some statistics from an article you are reading. You are a graduate nursing student. One rare day, you find time to read the newspaper. Here are some statistics from an article you are reading.
The total number of military deaths during Operation Iraqi Freedom from March 19 th 2003 through from March 19 th 2003 through March 5th 2012 is 4, LTY/oif-deaths-total.pdf
The estimated total number of injured during Operation Iraqi Freedom is 32,000.
A contingent of military nurses were sent to Kuwait in February 2003.
The estimated number of nurses deployed from 2003 through 2009 is unknown.
There are only unknowns surrounding nursing in wartime.
Question Your currently enrolled in a nursing research course, what information do you think you would like to investigate surrounding the nurses who have served during war?
Demographics, Time Served & Branch of Service Characteristics of the Nurses Lived Experiences of Nurses in Wartime Circumstances Surrounding Nursing in Wartime Consequences of Nursing in Wartime
Question What would your problem statement be? What would your research question be?
Problem & Question Problem & Question A research topic is a broad area of interest whereas the problem statement is an expression of what is problematic about the topic in the specific population A research topic is a broad area of interest whereas the problem statement is an expression of what is problematic about the topic in the specific population A research question is a very specific inquiry that the researcher wants to answer to address the problem statement A research question is a very specific inquiry that the researcher wants to answer to address the problem statement
Research Question Clear, Precise and Concise Clear, Precise and Concise Not stating broad interest but a tight focus on the topic- simple and direct Not stating broad interest but a tight focus on the topic- simple and direct Most concern relationships between variables particularly in quantitative research questions/studies Most concern relationships between variables particularly in quantitative research questions/studies Written in a way that is congruent with the research paradigm being used Written in a way that is congruent with the research paradigm being used
Quantitative Investigation
Research Questions Research Questions In (population) what is the effect of (IV) on (DV/OV)? In (population) what is the effect of (IV) on (DV/OV)? In (population) does the effect of the (IV) on the (DV/OV) vary by (characteristics/circumstances)? In (population) does the effect of the (IV) on the (DV/OV) vary by (characteristics/circumstances)? In (population) does (IV) cause or increase the risk for (DV/OV) by (characteristics/circumstances)? In (population) does (IV) cause or increase the risk for (DV/OV) by (characteristics/circumstances)?
In (population) what is the effect of (IV) on (DV/OV)? In nurses who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom what is the effect of length of duty on PTSD? In (population) does the effect of the (IV) on the (DV/OV) vary by (characteristics/circumstances)? In nurses who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, does the effect of the length of duty on PTSD vary by gender/ age? In (population) does (IV) cause or increase the risk for (DV/OV) by (characteristics/circumstances)? In nurses who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom does length of duty increase the risk for PTSD by gender/ethnicity?
Qualitative Investigation
Research Question Evolves over time & the course of the study Evolves over time & the course of the study Begin with a focus and general boundaries Begin with a focus and general boundaries Provides a general starting point without limiting discovery Provides a general starting point without limiting discovery
What is the lived experience of nurses who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom? What is it like for nurses to serve in Operation Iraqi Freedom?
Scannell- Desch & Doherty (2010)- Investigated the lived experiences of U.S. Military Nurses both during and after the war.
Findings 7 Themes 7 Themes Theme 1 - Deploying to War Theme 1 - Deploying to War Living Conditions Living Conditions Workplace – Plane, Tent or Trailer Workplace – Plane, Tent or Trailer Diversions from War Diversions from War Theme 2 -Remembrance of War Theme 2 -Remembrance of War Soldier Patients Soldier Patients Children Caught in the Chaos Children Caught in the Chaos Caring for the Enemy Caring for the Enemy
Findings Continued Theme 3 - Nurses in Harms Way Theme 3 - Nurses in Harms Way Theme 4 - Kinship and Bonding: My Military Family Theme 4 - Kinship and Bonding: My Military Family Theme 5 - Wartime Stress Theme 5 - Wartime Stress Homecoming Homecoming Theme 6 – Professional Growth Theme 6 – Professional Growth
Our Objectives Today Identify a relevant researchable topic Identify a relevant researchable topic Discuss the development of a research problem of a selected research report Discuss the development of a research problem of a selected research report Compare the commonalities of the research purpose…. Compare the commonalities of the research purpose…. Appraise which research design approach will best answer the question Appraise which research design approach will best answer the question
Prepared by Karen Abate, PhD, APRN, FNP-BC