Warm Up 4/5 Please quickly take your seats. Make sure you have a copy of our new class book, “Monster” Grab a table of contents and begin numbering your.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up 4/5 Please quickly take your seats. Make sure you have a copy of our new class book, “Monster” Grab a table of contents and begin numbering your new journal. If you don’t have one get a sheet of paper for the vocab, and get a new journal asap

New Table of Contents Make sure to glue or staple it in and number the pages Remember number only the fronts of pages, not the back. Get this done quickly.

Vocabulary Week One 4/5 - 4/8 Barrier – Noun Something that blocks Passage Barricade The invisible barrier prevented here from making the jump

Vocabulary Week One 4/5 - 4/8 Flimsy (adj) not strong or solid (usually describes structures) Fragile The flimsy construction create a catastrophic downfall

Vocabulary Week One 4/5 - 4/8 Sooth (verb) To calm or comfort something Calm The birthday offering did not sooth Ronald’s anger.

Vocabulary Week One 4/5 - 4/8 Avert (verb) To prevent or avoid Deter There was little Paul could say to avert the accident.

Vocabulary Week One 4/5 - 4/8 Candid (adj) very honest, truthful open His mother was quite candid with Stephen about who the favorite child was. Stephen retaliated.

Walter Dean Myers Walter Dean Myers was an American writer of children's books best known for young adult literature. He wrote more than one hundred books including picture books and nonfiction. Born: August 12, 1937, Martinsburg, WV BornMartinsburg, WV Died: July 1, 2014, Manhattan, NY DiedManhattan, NY

My Life in Words Pictures

In Memorial Article As you read the article, look for a few things to complete your worksheet. His accomplishments His struggles His voice for change, what did he try and fix? 2 important quotes

Warm Up Create 3 sentences with 3 vocabulary words In your Warm Up/RR Section 3 words, 3 sentences

Harlem Listen to the poem, then create a three read response Remember..  1 st Read is overview (what is happening in the poem)  2 nd read is figurative language (what elements does he use)  3 rd read is “So What” (what does the poem mean)

Partner Work The main character in our story finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. African American incarceration rates are a rising problem in our Justice System. With a nearby partner, read the article, annotate it, and complete the worksheet. You BOTH share the grade.

Walter Dean Myers Monster