® H Defense H Avionics H Space FPGAs For High-Reliability Applications PRODUCTS
® Major Hi-Rel Milestones 1989 First device qualed to MIL-STD-883 1991 First SMD released 1992 CB package released 1994 XC4010 released, STACK registration 1995 ISO9002 certification 1997 Received QML certification, introduced 4000XL, ISO9001 certification 1998 Introduced QPRO, first rad hard products (XQR4000XL) 1999 Introduced Virtex, XQ4085XL, XQ1701L 2000 Rad hard Virtex, rad hard SPROMs, Virtex E
® Major Programs Using Xilinx FPGAs
® PRODUCT OFFERING * Do not use for new designs.
® PACKAGE OFFERINGS * Do not use for new designs.
® Hi-Rel Plastic (N-Grade)
® SPROM Products
® Mil/Aero Product/Process Roadmap 0.18 0.25 0.35 0.50 XQ4000EX XQ4000XL XQ4028EX XQ4013XL XQ4036XL XQ4062XL XQ4085XL 28K Gates 85K Gates +2M Gates Virtex XQV Virtex XQV 100 XQV 300 XQV 600 XQV 1000 Virtex E Virtex Virtex II
® Commitment to Hi-Rel Aerospace/Defense is a significant market/business segment for all Xilinx products/grades Aerospace customers are consumers of the Xilinx vision - Utilization of reconfigurable logic/adaptive computing Continual development of products for Aerospace/Defense applications
® Rad Hard Products Only Re-Configurable Rad Hard FPGA Manufactured on QML line, special epi process Utilize same geometries as non-rad Hard QML Devices to facilitate prototyping Guaranteed radiation specs Densities up to 1M system gates with Virtex
® Radiation Specifications Total Ionizing Dose – XQR4000XL = 60Krads(si) – Virtex = 100Krads(si) – QA monitor on every wafer lot Latch-up Immune LET th >120 MeV*cm o C Low Soft Upset Rates
® XQR4000XL Family Product PackageSystem GatesAvailable XQR4013XL-3 CB228 10K to 30K Now XQR4036XL-3 CB228 20K to 65K Now XQR4062XL-3 CB228 40K to 130K Now
® Virtex Rad Hard Family ProductPackageSystem GatesAvailable XQVR300-4 CB ,000 Q200 XQVR600-4 CB ,000Q300 XQVR CG560 1,000,000Q200
® Rad Hard SPROMs
® Radiation Hardened Product/Process Roadmap 0.25 0.35 XQR4000XL Virtex 13K to 62K Gates 150K to +1M Gates Virtex E Product Introduced 62K gates XQVR Radiation testing completed Introduction 2Q00 1M gates >1M gates
® Summary Strong commitment to market Broadest line of Hi-Rel products Integral part of Corporate product strategy Continued new product development Superior product life cycle management