STT read-out concepts Detectors requirements and layout Read-out concepts Developments of Analog FE and Digital Boards STS el. group : INFN, FZ Juelich, IFJ PAN, AGH Kraków, JU-Kraków discussed in Kraków meeting: 26/ Grunberg
Central tracker : 4636 straws Forward tracker : ~13500 straws Drift time ~ 200 ns Time measurement: req. electronic resolution < 1 ns sensitivity (threshold) ~ 2 fC dE/dx, Q for PID : MIP: 5*10 6 e -, signal charge e - PID (Central tracker): 10% resolution in 24 layers detector capacitance: ~ pF (9 pF/m) Hit rates up to 800 kHz/channel PANDA STT
Expected rates p beam = 15 GeV/c, N Int =2x10 7 s -1. Forward STS Hit rate/cm/event in Central STS Max rate: ~ 5kHz/cm -> ~800 kHz for 150cm long tube Max rate: ~400 kHz for STS
Central Tracker
5-8 m
Forward tracker: 6 tracking stations: One tracking station with four double-layers Two double layers with vertical wires Two double layers with inclined wires e.g. (+10 ) and (-10 ) Two double layers with vertical wires prototype: Kraków
PANDA DAQ epoques (i.e 500 s)
Read-out concepts Complete read-out on detector avaliable space L <15 cm A<4000 cm 2 rad. hardness (FPGA’s in digital part!) cooling system needed Compact analog part on detector (ASIC rad. hard) (available space ~40 cm 2 for 16 channels) digital part (TDC/ADC) 5-8 m away outside detector nGbit/s links to Panda network at the moment considered as a base solution
Developments concept based on TDC +(ADC?)-Kraków (AGH, JU) new dedicated analog ASIC (preamp+shaper+discriminator) TDC (HPTDC or in FPGA - new!) : TRB family TDC (GPX1 –HPTDC? ), ADC microTCA standard with PCe readout (Juelich) +10 GBit/s uplink module concept based on charge measurement in FADC ASIC : MSGCROC (AGH-Kraków) ADC + FPGA (Juelich) „ principle” evaluation: signal digitization (240 MHz FADC- from WASA) + analysis - Juelich
Straw tubes read-out chain FE cards : Preamp+ Shaper+ BLR + Discriminator Dynamic Range ~ 5fC - 1pC, noise <1 fC Peaking time ~10-15 ns, Signal duration < 100 ns (pile-up < 800 kHz) Gain mV/fC Digital Boards Multihit TDC : Time measurement + TimeOverThreshold (TOT) for charge measurement OR/AND signal after shaper as input to FADC binning ns Zero suppression & Hit detection.. Slow /Run/Data flow control Common Clock Distribution (i.e SODA) Data Concentration : gathering and sorting of hits marked by time stamps in epoques (i.e 500 s bunch) nGbit/s Optical serial link FE DB Panda DAQ - network
CARIOCA 10 CARIOCA (IBM 0.25 m CMOS6SF ): 8 channels, preamp, shaper, BLR, discriminator, differential (LVDS) output: radiation hardness (checked for LHC requirements: no effects up to 20 Mrad dose) Sensitivity : at 220 pF for negative pulse : 7.7 mV/fC peaking time 14 ns, pulse width 60 ns power consumption ~40 mW/channel dev. at CERN for muon chambers no TOT ! - can be seen as back-up solution for Forward Tracker 4 ASIC FEE-UJ’2008
New ASIC for Panda STS Prototype I specification : submitted in April M. Idzik, D. Przyborowski AGH - Kraków not rad. hard BUT final version will be made in m power consuption will go down by factor ~3
Characteristic : gain and linearity : straw signal from Garfield
Characteristic : TOT vs charge rec. range
TDC operation mode & data volume 1 MHz trigger clock (derived from SODA) : TDC with 0.5 ns binning: time 1 s range: 11 bits TOT 200 ns : 8 bits channel number(1-32): 5bits time stamp (i.e 1-500); 8 bits TDC id, +trailer/header ~ 5 bytes/hit Data volume: 32 channels max 800 kHz hit rate/channel -> ~128 MB/s Data buffer : 32 channels TDC (i.e for 500 s epoque): kB clock (1MHz) time measurement range T
step I (done): Trigger and Read-out Board TRB board developed by HADES DAQ group 2 versions alredy built many boards TRB v2 installed and used in the HADES DAQ 128 TDC channels (HPTDC) 130 MB/s data throughput achieved via optical links with TRBnet (8/10B in 2 Gbit/s) TRBnet protocol (FPGA): 3 logical channels; data transport, slow control, run control
Marek Palka, GSI18 TRBv2 DC/DC ETRAX DSP FPGAVirtex4 TDC 0, 1 TDC 2, 3 SDRAM Optical link SDRAM Ethernet 128 TDC channels (100ps, 192ps, 780 ps) 2.5 Gb/s serial 8/10b link FPGA: TDC control + TrbNet Data flow control Slow control Run control
STS test set-up (Kraków) TRB HUBCentral Trigger can connect up 16 TRB’s conversion to Gbit Ethernet -event building on PC used also in PANDA by DIRC groups : see docs on
Some test results with Kraków- straws 32 channels – noise pattern Sr - source Drift time rise -10 ns range 180 ns
more powerfull: TRBv3 4 TDC in FPGA ( Lattice ECP3M) up to 40 TDC channels 4Mbit memory 1 FPGA for control (Run, Data, Slow- control) up to 8 x 3.2Gbit/s 8/10b serial links for data transmission: interface for Add-on connectors : i.e ADC ~ 20 W power See M. Traxler talk
not really tuned to STT range
Number of Boards/links CSTS: 4636 channels: ~ 145 x 32 channel TDC 145 x 3 Gbit/s links 37 TRB boards
also TDC based on GPX ASIC (8 channels and 81 ps resolution)
Developments in MTCA standard example: TDC board also board with ADC planned and 10 GB/s uplink module
Work packages detector –FEE connections/ cabling layout, connections to digital electronics - Juelich (CT), Kraków (FD) Analog FEE (time measurement, TOT +/or analog out)– AGH 1’st prototype submitted, test July/August Test with detector (time, TOT vs charge measurements) after freez-out of concept transmission to MSGROC – future developments? ( discussion with AGH) TDC board based on TRB available, TRBv3 project started QDC boards in development in Juelich (MTCA). If TOT not satisfactory can be used for charge measurement
dE/dx simulation for STS
TOT– energy loss : HADES MDC dE/dx vs impact angle 24 * ~7 mm gaps He:Iso (2:1) FEE based on ASD8 chip measured: (J. Markert/ A.Schmah –U. Frankfurt)
Time Over Threshold – energy loss resolution measured by HADES MDC
Test Setup 2 x TRBv2 1 x CTS Addon 1 x HUBv2 Addon 1 x CARIOCA 1 x Event building PC 1 x Optical switch XXXV PANDA Collaboration Workshop, GSI Darmstadt Grzegorz Korcyl – Jagiellonian University
Time resolution
Radiation dose: 1 year running time