Highlights from rad-hard measurements DC-DCs in different DC-DCs have been tested so far. Three of them are commercial and were released in May 2011 and June of them (TI56221 and TI56121) failed after about 35krad dose (value considering 0.8mC Sr-90 source). 1 of them (LMZ20010) passed ~300krad TID. We stopped Sr-90 irradiation and changed to Fe-55 (in progress). Another device we tested is the AMIS 2, sent by Katja Klein. It didn’t work to specifications, even at no load. 2 more 2011 commercial DC-DCs are on order and we are designing PCBs to take measurements.
Vout_irradiated after 24hrs TI56221 Vout varies by 5 mV (variation increased 3 mV from the beginning of the irradiation)
Irradiation failure TI56221 Green Vout Yellow Vout (no-irradiated) Blue Iout (Vout/0.1 Ohms) Failure at ~4:47PM 8/9/2011 Irradiation started at 5:35P 8/8/2011 ~23hrs later after irradiation
2 nd Irradiation after annealing TI Annealing: 80 C /4min -Failure after 6:30h of irradiation. -Results are notably different Vout varies ~4V
Some detail of Voltage variations
..and then is completely off 4 hrs later after it started failing
TI TI 56121
National Semiconductor LMZ20010 Fe-55 source 10mCi
Tests under 0.5T magnetic field LMZ20010 TID over 300krad ~8 days Sr-90 Source
1m away According to simulations Integrated Fluence at 1m of IP ~ 2x10^14 1Mev neq/cm^2 The TID for a chip of 1cm^2 and 10grams exposed at that fluence is: