EDU 6171 Fall 2015 Leslie Booth
1. Student teacher confrontations 2. Consistency and follow through 3. Clear procedures
Prior to EDU 6171 –Class rules that were aligned with school rules –Consequences stated, but not always given –Recording behaviors never actually happened –Frustrated and with no way out
Classroom Expectations –Students will come to class prepared. –Students will follow directions. –Students will respect each other, themselves, and adults. –Students will raise their hand before speaking. –Students will stay in their seat at all times.
Classroom Consequences 1.Warning 2.Multiplication Facts Write-Offs 3.Parent Contact 4.Student-Teacher Conference 5.Office Referral
Fred Jones’s discipline model focuses on what class time is truly used for. Examining and reflecting on my class time anyone would be able to see that I was using too much class time on discipline and correction. His research also suggest that students have to become responsible and reflective of their behavior. They have to see and understand why what they are doing is not for the best.
In my readings I found that the Lemov text had many strategies that aligned with Fred Jones’s discipline model. Each strategy that I have selected to implement into my classroom will impact not only my class time but also how my student view their behavior.
No organization No direction No record of behavior Minimal parent contact No changes seen in behavior or performance Relying on behavior plans for “problem students” was not working
Jones Classroom Structure Limit transitions and free time Use say, see, do teaching Personal responsibility/character building One on one help to students in need Lemov Entry Routine Do Now Tight Transitions 100 Percent What To Do Strong Voice*
Classroom expectations and consequences discussed and posted in classroom. (Jones and Lemov) Students also created a large list of behavior that would require a consequence.
Behavior tracking (Jones) –Students know that I am continually tracking their behavior, whether I make them aware or not. –Student decided on their own behaviors that would be tracked.
Both Jones and Lemov mention limiting transition time. They also mention never letting students guess what they are supposed to be doing. Our new classroom layout never leaves anyone guessing about what is expected of them and what time it is expected.
Character Building and Responsibility (Jones) – Once a month my classes and I will take time to read one Dr. Seuss book. – Each month the book will be one that speaks on character and making good life choices.