Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Frederick Herzberg Frederick Herzberg was an American psychologist. His two-factor theory was derived from the research he carried out in the 1950s to find out what caused satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the workplace.
Two-Factor Theory ‘Motivators’ can motivate but a lack of motivators does not cause dissatisfaction ‘Hygiene factors’ can cause dissatisfaction but cannot motivate
Motivators Motivators are factors that can motivate workers by providing job satisfaction. Motivators are concerned with the job itself and include achievement, recognition, opportunities for career progression and the responsibility.
Hygiene Factors Hygiene factors are external to the job itself and can only cause dissatisfaction if not fulfilled. Hygiene factors include company policy, supervision, pay and working conditions.
Two-factor and firms To create a motivated workforce firms must ensure that: Hygiene factors are met so workers are not demotivated Motivators are present to allow workers to be satisfied However, it may be difficult to provide motivators in low skilled jobs and, indeed, the workers themselves may not welcome career advancement or greater responsibility.