Business Management
Which of the following contributes to group cohesion? A Stable membership B Large group size C Differential rewards between members D Past failures of group
Which one of the following is NOT one of Asch’s types of yielding? A Distortion of action B Distortion of feelings C Distortion of judgement D Distortion of perception
Which statement most accurately describes self- actualisation? A Self-actualisation is the desire to belong to a group B Self- actualisation is concerned with financial success C Self-actualisation is the desire for personal fulfilment D Self-actualisation is the freedom to have individual autonomy at work
Which of the following concepts does equity theory take into account? A Rewards B Self-development C Expectations D All of the above
Which of the following is one of Herzberg’s hygiene factors? A Status B Growth C Responsibility D Recognition
Process theories of motivation are concerned with: A The social processes of motivating others B How we make choices with respect to desired goals C The things that motivate us D All of the above
A study of motivation is important because: A It helps us understand how to earn more money B It helps us understand organisational culture C It helps us understand each other and to improve work effectiveness D It helps us understand how to select employees for particular jobs
At which stage in Tuckman’s model is the personal relation between group members one of interdependence? A Storming B Norming C Forming D Performing
A few months after the new starters joined the firm, an atmosphere of hostility exists among several members of the team. This team has entered the ____________stage of development. A Performing B Forming C Storming D Norming
Which one of the following was NOT one of Taylor’s causes of systematic soldiering? A Repetitive work cycles B Prescribed task sequence C Team working D Motivation based on economic rewards.
Which of the following was NOT associated with Gillian Gilbreth’s ‘betterment of work’ concept? A Assembly lines B Holidays with pay C Rest periods D Heating controls
Which of the following is NOT one of the features of Fordism? A Standardised parts B Time-and-motion techniques C Upskilling of jobs D Creation of the assembly line
The most important effect of the use of the assembly line is that: A Ford could produce standardised parts B Ford could control the speed of production C Ford could make all jobs low skilled D All of the above
The most important effect of the use of the assembly line is that: A Ford could produce standardised parts B Ford could control the speed of production C Ford could make all jobs low skilled D All of the above
Matrix structures are associated with: A Management roles B Dual chains of command C Mathematics D Smaller organisations
Departmentalisation is the process of: A Grouping together employees who share a common supervisor B Deciding how jobs should be done C Creating an organisational chart D Giving individuals authority
A disadvantage of departmentalisation by location is that: A Functions are duplicated within the firm B Managers do not gain knowledge of customers’ problems C It is not suitable for multinational firms D Equipment used for many products is not conveniently located.
If you were a business school graduate and wanted career mobility and cross-product line knowledge in a marketing organisation, you would be wise to look for a company departmentalised by_______________ A Product B Place C Matrix D Function
In many organisations decisions are made by top managers and then communicated to lower level managers. This kind of decision- making is: A Decentralised B Centralised C Standardised D Integrated
Which one of the following is NOT one of Schein’s three levels of culture? A Basic assumptions B Values C Consensus D Surface manifestations