Construction Leadership The Basics – Part 4 Motivation
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Outline Why is motivation important What motivates engineers? Motivation exercise– what’s important? Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Self-actualization Using motivation to accomplish goals Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Why Study Motivation? Greatly influences/governs behavior Satisfies human needs Releases work capacity Key to real teamwork Increases self-confidence Enables personal growth Improves morale
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Motivation Exercise What’s important to you? Rank order this list of 10 factors: –Good salary/advancement - Constructive criticism –Good working conditions- Support of personal life –Interesting jobs- Job status –Good relations with boss- Job security –Recognition- Achievement
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Motivational Factors (priority for you 1 to 10) Motivational Factors (priority for you 1 to 10) ___ Good relations with boss ___ Job security ___ Good working conditions ___ Good salary/advancement ___ Interesting jobs ___ Achievement ___ Support for personal life ___ Recognition for your work ___ Constructive criticism ___ Job status, a title
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Motivational Factors (class responses) Motivational Factors (class responses) ___ Good relations with boss ___ Job security ___ Good working conditions ___ Good salary/advancement ___ Interesting jobs ___ Achievement ___ Support for personal life ___ Recognition for your work ___ Constructive criticism ___ Job status, a title
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Typical Results for Engineers #1-Interesting/challenging jobs #2-Achievement/advancement #3-Good salary #4 - Job security #5 - Good working conditions #6 - Good relations with boss #7 - Support of personal life #8 - Recognition #9 - Constructive criticism #10 - Job status
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Abraham Maslow – Man & Needs Man is motivated by a hierarchy of needs. The most basic needs govern motivation. Once a need is satisfied it is no longer a motivator. Needs & motivation vary with situation & role: home, work, social
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs* 1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self 5-self actualization-to be all you can be or want to be… 4-self respect, admiration, recognition and status from peers… 3-social need for relationships with other humans… 2-basic need to secure your Persona, to be safe from harm… 1-survival needs like food, water, air, & rest… * A Theory of Human Motivation (1943)
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs* 1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self 5-self actualization-to be all you can be or want to be… 4-self respect, admiration, recognition and status from peers… 3-social need for relationships with other humans… 2-basic need to secure your Persona, to be safe from harm… 1-survival needs like food, water, air, & rest… * A Theory of Human Motivation (1943) 1-Basic Phisiological
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs* 1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self 5-self actualization-to be all you can be or want to be… 4-self respect, admiration, recognition and status from peers… 3-social need for relationships with other humans… 2-basic need to secure your Persona, to be safe from harm… 1-survival needs like food, water, air, & rest… * A Theory of Human Motivation (1943) 2-Physical & Emotional Safety
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs* 1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self 5-self actualization-to be all you can be or want to be… 4-self respect, admiration, recognition and status from peers… 3-social need for relationships with other humans… 2-basic need to secure your Persona, to be safe from harm… 1-survival needs like food, water, air, & rest… * A Theory of Human Motivation (1943) 3-Belonging & Love
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs* 1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self 5-self actualization-to be all you can be or want to be… 4-self respect, admiration, recognition and status from peers… 3-social need for relationships with other humans… 2-basic need to secure your Persona, to be safe from harm… 1-survival needs like food, water, air, & rest… * A Theory of Human Motivation (1943) 4-Esteem & Respect
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs* 1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self 5-self actualization-to be all you can be or want to be… 4-self respect, admiration, recognition and status from peers… 3-social need for relationships with other humans… 2-basic need to secure your Persona, to be safe from harm… 1-survival needs like food, water, air, & rest… * A Theory of Human Motivation (1943) 5-Self Actualization
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Maslow & Performance Physiological Safety Belonging Esteem Self LEADERSHIP ZONE 60% Top Performance Creativity Teamwork Treading Water Hygiene Factors
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. It’s all related! 1-Basic Physiological Needs 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love Motivators Hygiene Factors 4-Esteem 5-Self 11-Interesting jobs 6-Achievement 6-Advancement 3 – Working conditions 2 - Relations with boss 2 - Recognition 2 - Personal life 2 - Job security 1 - Job status 0 - Criticism
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Typical Results for Engineers #1-Interesting/challenging jobs #2-Achievement/advancement #3-Good salary #4 - Job security #5 - Good working conditions #6 - Good relations with boss #7 - Support of personal life #8 - Recognition #9 - Constructive criticism #10 - Job status Level 5 Level 4 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 2-3 Level 2 Level 4
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Self-actualization In Maslow's model… The ultimate goal of life is self-actualization… –It is almost never fully attained –But rather is something we always strive towards. Peak experiences are temporary self-actualizations.
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Self-actualizing people Are comfortable with reality. Accept themselves and their own nature, not artificial. They focus on problems outside themselves. They like privacy and tend to be detached. Are on their own for development and continued growth. Appreciate the basic pleasures of life. Do not take things for granted. Have a deep feeling of kinship with others. Are deeply democratic, i.e. not aware of differences. Have strong ethical and moral standards. Are original and inventive, less constricted than others.
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs* 1-Basic Physiological 2-Physical & Emotional Safety 3-Belonging & Love 4-Esteem & Respect 5-Self 5-self actualization-to be all you can be or want to be… 4-self respect, admiration, recognition and status from peers… 3-social need for relationships with other humans… 2-basic need to secure your Persona, to feel safe… 1-survival needs like food, water, air, & rest… * A Theory of Human Motivation (1943)
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. Maslow “ The only happy people I know are the ones who are working well at something they consider important”
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E. The difference is motivation… the key to effective leadership!
Questions? Or >>>>>>>> Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
2008 Class Definition Good people skills; knows the subordinates inside & out; cares for followers; makes team feel good; has trust; is a team player; shares the wealth 5-Works toward a common objective; designed by the leader; sees the big picture 5-Ability to direct; effectively guides the group; manages multiple tasks; has good organization & time management; 4-Motivated to complete the task & motivates the team; 3-Common sense & experience; solves problems; dynamic; imaginative; adjusts or adapts; 3-Has good communication skills; 2-Good listener; considers team opinions; 2-Blends into the group; works with many cultures 1-Leads from the front.
Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E Class Definition A good leader is a self motivated person who sees the big picture and leads from the front to motivate and guide the team to excel in achieving a common purpose designed by the leader. He has good people skills, understands and cares for his followers and makes the team feel good about their work. The leader must have good communication skills to provide clear direction and delegate tasks to all based on their individual skills. He trusts team members and is a good listener who effectively blends their opinions, talents and cultures in imaginative ways to solve problems and adapt to changing conditions. The good leader is an experienced and confident team player who shares the benefits and rewards of success with the team.
Upcoming presentations 3-5 minutes… MAX! Organize your thoughts BEFORE you get up to talk Have an outline You may use one 3x5 card Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.
Grading of presentations 5% ______ Introduction/Good Opening/Theme & Outline presented 5% ______ Organization/Easy to Follow & Logical 5% ______ Good Grammar & Diction 10% _____ Content, Key Points (2-4) Clearly Stated & Well Developed w/examples 5% ______ Professional Appearance & Posture 20% _____ Timing (3-5 min) 30% _____ Effectiveness/ Interesting, Held Attention, Connected with Audience _____ Grade Ralph V. Locurcio, P.E.