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Self-Portrait in front of the Easel 1888; 65 x 50.5 cm Reference Go Back End Show
Trees in the Asylum Garden 1889 (260 Kb); Oil on canvas, 73 x 60 cm (28 3/4 x 23 3/4 in); Private collection, U.S.A. Reference End Show Go Back
View of Arles with Irises 1888 (140 Kb); 54 x 65 cm Reference End Show Go Back
First Steps (after Millet) 1890 (250 Kb); Oil on canvas, 72.4 x 91.2 cm (28 1/2 x 35 7/8 in); The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Reference Go Back End Show
June 1889 (210 Kb); Oil on Canvas, 72 x 92 cm (29 x 36 1/4 in); The Museum of Modern Art, New York ReferenceReference End Show Go Back Click me for my personal review of this painting!
Joseph- Etienne Roulin 1889 (180 Kb); Oil on canvas, 66.2 x 55 cm (26 x 21 5/8 in); Barnes Foundation, Merion, PA Reference Reference End Show Go Back
Vincent Van Gogh is a modern artist who was born on March 30, He was well- known for his Sunflowers in a Vase and The Starry Night paintings. He also was known for painting with vivid colors and his unique style of drawing fields.He first started out with many jobs including art gallery salesman and preacher. His first painting, The Potato Eaters, in Soon after, he began painting more works of art, but at that time, he used dark, gloomy colors. It was only until he discovered the bright Japanese paintings that he used bright colors.Even though he was an excellent artist, he wasn’t very popular at the time. His emotional outbursts and personal problems made it too much for him to handle. On July 27, 1890, he shot himself with a revolver and died two days later. Even though he had a sad life, we can all remember him as one of the greatest artists in history. Go BackEnd Show
My favorite Van Gogh painting is The Starry Night. To me, it is the greatest work of art from him because of many reasons. I like how he uses a blue color scheme to portray a night sky. I also like how he uses light blue to make it look like wind is blowing in the air, and yellow highlights around the moon and stars to intensify the look of brightness. My feelings for this painting is beautiful and cozy because this painting depicts a cozy little town, down below and hidden in between the hills, while the beautiful moon shines with the stars, high above the small, but pretty, town. This painting really makes me fell like I’m looking at this scene from a hilltop, and that’s why this is my favorite painting. My Favorite Painting! Go BackEnd Show
References! o.htmhttp://cgfa.acropolisinc.com/gogh/gogh_bi o.htm Mike Venezia, Van Gogh, Childrens Press, 1988 Go BackEnd Show