Chapter.7 Sociocultural Factors 이민찬 박성률
Definition of Culture A Way of Life Collective Identity Mental Construct
Interweave of Language and Culture LANGUAGE Learning A Way of Life Collective Identity Mental Construct CULTURE
Stereotypes Resulting from a closed-minded view May be accurate in depicting the typical members but not in particular member
Cross-cultural Research Condon(1973) - American : dynamic, diffuse, nominalistic - Hispanic : passive, relational, intuitive - French : static, centeralized, universalistic
Second Culture Acquisition Process as a way of perceiving, interpreting, feeling and relating to where one is and who one meets -Robinson-Stuart and Nocon Acculturation -the acquisition of a second identity through learning a second language
Second Culture Acquisition Process as a way of perceiving, interpreting, feeling and relating to where one is and who one meets -Robinson-Stuart and Nocon Acculturation -the acquisition of a second identity through learning a second language
Stages of Culture Acquisition Period of Excitement Cultural Shock Culture Stress *Anomie Recovery
Attitudes Developing in childhood, the result of parents’ and peers’ attitudes, Forming a part of perception of self, others, and the culture in which one is living
Relationship btw Attitudes and Language Success POSITIVE ATTITUDES NEGATIVE ATTITUDES Emergence Understanding and empathizing toward the target language Indirect exposure to a culture through no reliable source ResultIntegrative orientation to learn the language Decreasing attainment of proficiency Solution Changed by exposure to reality
Social Distance ※ 한 개인 내에 접하는 두 문화 사이의 인지적이고 정의적인 밀접함 (Ex. American : Canadian / American : Chinese ) → 후자가 전자보다 social distance 가 멀다 ■ Schumann’s hypothesis of social distance (john Schumann. 1976c) 5 가지 변용 → 1. 지배성 2. 통합성 3. 화합성 4. 일치성 5. 영구성 There are Good language situations. ■ A measure of perceived social distance (William Acton. 1979) The Professed Difference in Attitude Questionnaire (PDAQ) ■ Optimal distance model of second language acquisition (Brown. 1980)
Teaching Intercultural competence ※ Incorporating cultural awareness in language classrooms 문화적 인식과 언어 교실의 통합 → 긍정적인 효과 ■ Four categories contributing to cross-cultural misunderstanding (Geert Hofstede, 1986) 1. Individualism ↔ collectivism 2. Power distance 3. Uncertainty avoidance ( 불확실성 회피 ) 4. Masculinity ↔ Femininity
Language policy and politics ■ World Englishes English as an international language (EIL) “Nativization” or “Indigenization” of English ( 영어의 토착화 or 현지화 ) Fresh conceptualization ( 새로운 개념화 ) Teachers : native or non-native? ■ English as a second language and English as a foreign language (ESL and EFL) ESL 영어를 공용어로 사용하는 것 EFL 영어를 단지 외국어로서만 사용하는 것 ■ Linguistic Imperialism and Language Rights ( 언어적 제국주의와 언어 권리 ) ■ Language policy and the “English Only” debates Q1. The language of education Q2. “English only”
Language, Thought, and Culture ■ Framing Our Conceptual Universe ( 인간의 인지구조의 구축 ) - words shape our lives ( 언어가 삶을 만들어낸다.) - Euphemism ( 완곡어구 ) - George Lakeoff’s (2004) framing - The way a sentence is structured will affect nuances of meaning ( 문장이 구성되는 방법은 의미의 뉘앙스에 영향을 미친다.) → Ex. “Did you see the broken headlight?” vs “Did you see a broken headlight?” - Discourse level also affects our cognitive and affective states. - Cultural patterns : coded in language (Ex. Greek conversational style vs. American conversational style) - Lexical items - Popular misconception
The Whorfian Hypothesis ( 월프의 가설 ) : 사고의 언어 결정론 ( 인간의 사고 → 언어에 의해 결정 됨 ) - Strong ver. : 인간의 사고는 언어가 결정. - Weak ver. : 인간의 사고는 언어에 의해 부분적으로 영향을 받을 뿐. : 제 2 언어 학습자 – 이전 경험의 긍정적 이용 -> 학습 과정 촉진 가능
Culture in the Language Classroom ■ Crossing Cultures in the Language Classroom : 언어를 학습하는 교실에서의 문화 교류. -> 언어 교수 현장에서도 활발히 이루어지고 있음.