specific, Baglan Bay Innovation and Knowledge Centre, Baglan, Port Talbot, SA12 7AX SPECIFIC IKC – ‘Buildings as Power Stations’ Paul Jones Industrial Director, SPECIFIC / + 44 (0) Christian Bryant Research Commercialisation Manager, SPECIFIC + 44 (0) / An Innovation and Knowledge Centre (IKC) led by Swansea University Funded by EPRSC, TSB, Welsh Government and academic and industry partners (Tata Steel Europe, NSG and BASF) State of the art-laboratories, industrial scale Pilot Line Manufacturing Resource Centre and whole Building Demonstrator Facilities staff: Co-location of skilled professionals – bridging the gap between academic research and commercial exploitation. Solar thermal generation storage and release from buildings. Proven solar thermal research and building demonstrator activities Disruptive technology in the energy market Development of future flexible, resilient and affordable energy systems New business opportunities - solar thermal generation and inter- seasonal heat storage. To develop, scale up and commercialise ‘world class’ functionally coated metal and glass products – specific.eu.com SOLAR AIR COLLECTOR & SOLAR STORE DEMONSTRATOR SPACE HEATING - Total Heating Solution Existing 25 year old Industrial Unit in Margam – poor quality envelope Retrofitted – No improvement to building fabric Low capital, maintenance and operating cost Operates in temperatures as low as 0° C Solar thermal air collection wall with diurnal storage system In 2013/14 eliminated gas usage for heating
1. Your Project idea SPECIFIC’s USP is in localised energy storage and distribution Scale up production of functional coatings (generation, storage and release) Creation of whole building demonstrators – integration of technologies (SBEC) 2. What’s innovative about it? e.g. SOLAR AIR COLLECTOR & SOLAR STORE DEMONSTRATOR Provides a whole building heating solution – can eliminate gas £ attractive without introducing grid instability Reduces the energy for heating a building by up to 75% Can be Retrofitted Can provide cooling as well as heating Alleviates peaks and troughs in energy consumption of a building Inexpensive to install, with short payback period 3. The services you can offer SPACE HEATING Delivery of Solar Thermal and Heat Storage Solutions to the market at a price point better than gas Solar collectors; (heating and cooling, retrofitted to buildings) High efficiency solar concentrator collectors Solar thermochemical storage; development and scale up of solar stores for inter-seasonal energy capture based on immobilised deliquescent salts; Control system development Grid independent buildings demonstrators. 4. The Partners / services you seek? Early adopters, technology / development partners, system integrators and end users (SMEs / Large Companies / HEIs) Collaborators to help create new business opportunities in solar thermal generation and inter-seasonal heat storage; i.e.: (i)integrate our developments into providing local energy storage and distribution solutions (ii)integrate our developments into whole building (system) demonstrators and applications