QlikView Training Sharath Ghosh
Plan Overview Getting the data Analyzing and Visualizing the data Data Structure Development Phases User Access Getting the data Tables / Structure Script Functions QVD Generation Analyzing and Visualizing the data Charts Formulas Variables UI functions
Overview – Data Structure External Servers QlikView Server
Overview – Development Stages System QlikView Server User Acceptance Test Development Content Development Integration Production
Overview – User Access R&D HP Data Sales Supply Chain Finance QlikView Server HP IT Infrastructure HP Data User/Group specific data QlikView Client Interface Web Interface Users Hubble Central DB Finance Supply Chain Sales R&D Developers UAM
Getting the data Topics Load from various sources Mapping Load/ApplyMap Common load commands Concatinate/NoConcatinate MakeDate QVD Generation
Common Table Functions Getting the data Common Table Functions Import data and name it ABC ABC: LOAD * FROM C:\data.xlsx Load a mapping file Map_Name: MAPPING LOAD * FROM C:\MAP.xlsx Include map in data (like Vlookup/left join in qlikview) ApplyMap(‘Map_File_Name',Column_Name_to_be_checked_in_data_file,‘if_error_value') Do a sum and Rename column name LOAD sum(unit_sold) as Sales FROM C:\data.xlsx Create a column with date MakeDate(Year,Month,Day) as Date Create a temporary table called TABLE2 TABLE2: NoConcatenate LOAD * FROM C:\data.xlsx Append the temporary table (Table2) below Table1 Concatenate (Table1) LOAD * FROM RESIDENT TABLE2 Remove the temporary table after appending DROP TABLE TABLE2 Store DATA1 in qvd STORE DATA1 INTO PATH.qvd (qvd) Left Join Left Join (Table1) LOAD * FROM RESIDENT TABLE2 @ line end always use ;
Analyzing and Visualizing the data Topics Common excel formulas (if, sum, avg) QlikView formulas (isnull, getfieldselection) Set Analysis Graph/Charts/Objects/Select Fields Variables Layout Actions
Analyzing and Visualizing the data Common UI Functions If there is no list box selection do a sum if(isnull(Selection),sum(Sales)) set analysis to ignore selections in Year list box sum({$<Year>}[Unit Sold]) set analysis to fix a value in Year list box sum({$<Year={'2012'}>}[Unit Sold]) set analysis to fix multiple value in Year list box Set analysis to ignore all the selection sum({1}[Unit Sold]) set a variable in script SET variable_name = 0; Create a variable in script with formula LET variable_name = 'Code'; $ ' & Chr(36) & ' ‘ ' & Chr(39) & ' Colors (Red) RGB(255,0,0) Get the current selected value in list box GetCurrentSelections(Selection)
QlikView Development Process
Extras Topics Section Access Exports VBA Selections / Filters Advanced Variables Google Map
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