1) BUILDING:- A building is a structure with a roof and walls standing more or less permanently in one place, such as a house or factory. 2) TYPES OF BUILDINGS:- a) RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS A building used for dwelling, in which the dwelling area is at least one half of the floor area. i) Inspection Bungalows ii) Staff Qtrs. NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS A building in which minor part of the building i.e. less than half of its floor area is used for dwelling purpose. Industrial Buildings. Commercial Buildings. Educational Buildings. Health Buildings. Office Buildings Jail Buildings Court Buildings Sports Buildings Auditorium Buildings Assembly Buildings
The above mentioned buildings vary in shape Dimensions, Structural Components as per the requirement of the User Departments. TYPES OF BUILDINGS BASED ON LOAD TRANSFER i)Load bearing brick wall with R.C.C. Roof. ii) R.C.C. framed Structure. iii) Steel Structure with metallic roof. iv) Composite Structure. FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS OF A BUILDING i)Civil Components a)Structural Part (Column, Beam, Slab, Wall etc.) b)Finishing Part (Plastering, Flooring, Door & Windows, Painting etc.) ii)Service Components a)P.H. (Internal and External) b)E.I. (Internal and External)
SUPER-STRUCTURE PLINTH Walls and Columns Lintel & Chajja Staircase Basic Building Components : SUPER-STRUCTURE PLINTH Walls and Columns Lintel & Chajja Staircase Beams Roofs Doors and Windows Parapet Cupboard and Shelves SUB-STRUCTURE Foundation
What is an estimate? An estimate is a calculation of quantities of various items of works and the expenses likely to be incurred thereon. The total of these probable expenses to be incurred on the work is known as estimated cost of the work. The estimated cost of the work is a close approximation of its actual cost.
Purpose of Estimate To give a reasonable idea of cost of the proposed works To help the client to decide whether the works can be undertaken as proposed or needs to be curtailed or abandoned, depending upon the availability of funds and prospective direct and indirect benefits To facilitate the client to allocate the required amount To determine what materials and in what quantities will be required for the works
To ascertain the number and category of workers required to be employed to complete the work in the specified time To ascertain amount and kind of equipment needed to complete the work To ascertain the time required to complete an item of work or the work as a whole To help us in planning and execution of any work
Data/ Documents Required for Preparation of a Building Estimate Plans, Elevations, Sections and other relevant details of the work Specifications indicating the exact nature and class of materials to be used The rates at which the different items of work are carried out Field Data like topography of the Site, nature of the soil, plinth height of existing nearby buildings, approach to the site, availability of water, availability of power supply, availability of external sewerage facility, availability of different materials etc.
Standard drawing :- A standard architectural drawing of the building is essential before preparation of estimate. The drawing of the building must be signed by the appropriate authority. i)Site Layout Plan / Master Plan ii) Building Plan (Floor wise & Terrace), Elevations, Cross Sections with Specification iii) Structural Plan showing dimensions and locations of Structural members (Columns, Beams, Roof Slabs etc.) and Foundation Types (Isolated footings / Combined footing / Raft / Pile etc.) P.H. Layout i)Internal (a. Water Supply, b. Sewerage, c. Roof Rain water disposal ii) External (a. Source Pump Room, Storage, Sewerage, Rain / Storm water disposal Electrical Layout i)Internal (a. Wiring b. Fitting Lights, Fans, A.Cs., c. Control Pannel ii) External (a. Transformer, b. Cable c. L.T. lines, d. Earthling, e. Area lighting, f. Lighting Arrestor, g. Elevators, h. Central Air conditioning) Landscaping / Site Developing i)Boundary Wall, ii) Gate, iii) Land filling, iv) Garden, v) Plantation, vi) Drainage
Estimate of a Building comprises of the following functional components. The responsibility for preparation of preliminary and detailed estimates is shown below : Functional Components Officers Responsible for Preliminary Estimates Officers Responsible for Detailed Estimate Civil (Structure + Finishing) Assistant Engineer (R&B) Asst. Executive Engineer (R&B) P.H. (Internal) Assistant Engineer (G.P.H.) Asst. Executive Engineer (G.P.H.) P.H. (External) E.I. (Internal) Assistant Engineer (GED) Asst. Exe. Engineer(GED) E.I. (External) Asst. Exe. Engineer(GED) in consultation with distribution Agency Landscaping / Site Development Architecture / A.E. (R&B) / A.E.E. (R&B)
Material component The basic rates of different building materials required for the works are to be considered as per the prevailing Schedule of Rates published by the Works Department, Government of Odisha from time to time. The unit cost of conveyance of different materials is to be added on the basis of the availability of the material as per approved lead chart The royalty on different materials is to be added as per the prevailing rate notified by the Steel and Mines Department, Govt. of Odisha
LABOUR COMPONENT Highly skilled Skilled Semi Skilled Unskilled Labour rates for different category are to be considered from time to time as published by Labour & Employment Department, Govt. of Odisha.
ESTIMATE Rough Cost Estimate Based on Conceptual Drawing on Plinth Area Rate Detailed Estimate Based on Detailed Architectural and Structural Drawings
Rough Cost Estimate :- This type of estimate is required for obtaining Administrative Approval from the client Departments and prepared on the basis of plinth area rate notified by the Chief Engineer (Buildings), Odisha from time to time. On the basis of the above estimate, the client departments allocate funds for the purpose Detailed estimate :- This type of estimate is required for the Technical Sanction purpose. Based on the technically sanctioned estimate, the tender is invited and works carried out. The detailed estimate is prepared on the basis of approved architectural and structural drawings and using the analysis of rates & schedule of rates of Government of Odisha.
Provision to be Made in the Estimate Contingency @ 1% of Civil cost Quality Control @ 1% of Civil cost For Residential Buildings : Electrical Works (Internal) @ 10% over Civil Cost PH Works (Internal) @ 15% Over Civil Cost Non- Residential Building E.I. & P.H. (Internal) 10% 15% for External P.H. for both Residential & Non-Residential Building. Building & other construction Workers’ welfare cess @1% to be added in individual items of analysis of Rates
Calculation of Lead Cost for Different Materials
ANALYSIS OF RATES :- After finalization of cost of materials, rates of different items are to be calculated as per the Analysis of Rate-2006. 7.5% of the cost of material and labour is to be added each for Overhead Charges and Contractor’s Profit. In addition, 1% of the cost is to be added towards Labour Cess to arrive at the total unit cost of the concerned item. The cost of the non-scheduled items are fixed or finalized by the Superintending Engineer of the concerned Circle. For this purpose, three nos. of Quotations of the concerned materials may be procured from the market to finalize the rate and the Labour components will be decided on field observation.
LUMPSUM CALCULATION OF REINFORCEMENT If detailed structure/design of all members are not available, then for the estimate purpose, calculation of steels can be assumed on Lump-Sum basis- Column Footing- 1.0% of concrete Slab - 0.8% of concrete Beam – 1.5% of concrete Column – 1.8% of concrete Staircase- 1.2% of concrete N.B- During execution of the project, detailed design of all structure members must be obtained from the design cell of the department and accordingly executed.
DIFFERENT WAYS FOR PREPARATION OF ESTIMATE There are two different ways for preparation of estimate Long wall and Short wall method Suitable for small building having one/ two rooms Takes more time Percentage of accuracy is more. Centre line method Suitable for big buildings having more rooms Takes comparatively less time Percentage of accuracy is little less, which can be managed
Steps for Preparation of Estimate Study the approved Architectural Drawings containing Floor Plans, Elevations, Sections, Details of Doors/ Windows, Specifications of all items thoroughly. From the plans, note down different openings like doors/ windows/ ventilators etc. in each floor both for 250mm and 125mm thick walls. Study the approved Structural Drawings for all components thoroughly. Note down no & type of footings and columns separately. Mark all Horizontal segments as A, B, C….etc from top to bottom or bottom to top and all Vertical segments as a, b, c…. Etc from left to right on the plans of all floors. Find out the centre to centre length of the Tie Beam, Foundation and Plinth, 250mm/ 125mm thick Brick Walls in Ground Floor & subsequent Floors. Find out the quantities of different items of works to be executed by using the dimensions mentioned in the architectural and structural drawings. Due care should be taken so that no item is left out.
Prepare the Lead Chart of different materials indicating the source, distance, conveyance cost, basic cost, royalty if any. The conveyance cost and basic cost of materials are to be considered as per prevailing Schedule of Rates. The Lead Chart should carry a certificate stating that the lead considered is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. Find out the unit rates of each item floor-wise following the prevailing Analysis of Rates and Schedule of Rates for all the schedule items and non-schedule items as mentioned in previous slide. Prepare the abstract cost of all items for Foundation and Plinth and different Floors separately. This will help you to know the cost involvement in different floors. Prepare the General Abstract of Estimate considering the cost of Civil Works, Internal E.I & P.H works. If detailed estimate for internal E.I & P.H works is not available, suitable % of the cost of Civil Works may be considered as mentioned in the previous slide. Lump Sum provision should be kept for External Electrification Works, External Water Supply & Sewerage Disposal Works, Site Development Works, Construction of Approach Road, Construction Compound Wall with Gate, Land Scaping, Arboriculture etc. Over and above, provision of 1% Contingency and 1% Quality Control to be kept in the estimate to arrive at the total cost.
Prepare a preface report of the estimate Prepare a preface report of the estimate. The report should broadly indicate the probable cost of the work, name and location of the work, name of the client, reference of drawings, reference of schedule of rates for materials and labour, specification of different items of works, provision for different unforeseen items etc. The estimate must carry a cover page with Logo of Government of Odisha indicating the Name of Division, Name of the Work and Estimated Cost. After completion of estimate, the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) of the works is to be prepared for tender purpose. In the BOQ, the detailed specification of all the items of works to be executed are to be narrated citing the reference of BIS Codes, type of materials, manufacturers’ name etc. in order to avoid any dispute between the Engineer and the Contractor during execution. In case of Item Rate Contract, the BOQ shall contain the items, units and quantities. Suitable space against each item is to be left for the tenderer to quote his rate. In case of Percentage Tender, the BOQ shall contain the items, units, Quantities, Rates and Amount. The tenderer is to quote his rate as % excess/ less/ equal to the tendered amount at the specified place.