Laptop St Mary Star of the Sea College Mathematics Teacher’s Day University of Wollongong 2007 Gerry Sozio
Students make meaning in the world through technology.
The way computers are organised within a school is likely to influence usage. Pedagogical practices become more learner-centered. Learning neither stops nor starts at the sound of a bell. Look at the computer being more than just an advanced calculator.
Beyond just clicking for the answers. Experiences that include: – Using given data for problem solving – Various visual techniques to assist learning – Using technologies to express their understanding – Computational exercises – Computational exercises in game form – Using ICT tools (eg spreadsheets)
A range of opportunities exists: Spreadsheets may contribute to activities related to tabulating and graphing data sets in both the Patterns and Algebra and Data strands. Dynamic geometry software packages can assist in illustrating and establishing the properties of geometric figures. Random number generators can facilitate simulation experiments in probability.
Operations With Whole Numbers access to Internet sites exploring different number systems web based assignment
Patterns and Algebra describe the pattern formed by plotting points from a table and suggest another set of points that might form the same pattern use spreadsheet software to graph and compare a range of linear relationships
Data use simple graphing software to enter data and create a graph interpret graphs found on the Internet, in media and in factual texts collect, represent and evaluate a set of data as part of an investigation, including data collected using the Internet use a computer database to organise information collected from a survey use a spreadsheet program to tabulate and graph collected data interpret data displayed in a spreadsheet
use spreadsheets, databases, statistics packages, or other technology, to analyse collected data, present graphical displays, and discuss ethical issues that may arise from the data
MEASUREMENT Use of Spreadsheets to help calculate the greatest area of a rectangle given a set perimeter
Space and Geometry create simple shapes using computer software involving direction and angles use computer drawing tools to create a tessellating design by copying, pasting and rotating regular shapes enlarge or reduce a graphic or photograph using computer software Use computer drawing tools to manipulate shapes in order to investigate rotational symmetry use dynamic geometry software to investigate angle relationships use dynamic geometry software to investigate the properties of geometrical figures
Plan of Attack “I’ve got all this new software and hardware. How do I fit it into my teaching?”
Teachers have had laptops for number of years Big Byte Breakfast Part of lesson preparation
Learning experiences set up in Janison Teams of teachers work together at developing different learning experiences for each topic These experiences are then included within the program. The experiences are common for all classes One minor project per term eg Day at Disneyland, Mystery Bone In preparation now for 2008, where two teachers have been made responsible for each term
Available Resources Text Book on CD – Hard copy for Year 7 as well Math Invaders Freefall Worksheets (similar to Blackline Masters) Stage 3 and Stage 4 Number Skills EdClasses Learning Federation ICT4U Spreadsheets Random Masters
Technology ideas from other textbooks Experiences designed by teachers
Set up of Janison – General structure – Topic reflections – Identity Powerpoint – Complex Bridge Builder – Equivalent Fractions – Algebra: Balanced Scales – History of Number Task – Day At Disneyland Task
Quotes … I enjoy using the laptop, and I am glad I got the chance to be the first year to have the laptops. I think that the laptops can get annoying sometimes but that doesn't happen often. I enjoy learning and using the laptops at school. I believe that it makes work easier using the laptops and I love them.
It’s a really great new experience for me. I enjoy using the laptops they are a really good idea. It is lots of fun thankyou The laptops are to heavy to carry I am glad that St Mary’s made the idea of laptops and I am excited for the coming year 7's!
That it makes doing work a whole lot of fun and easier. I think the laptops were a good idea, but I, as well as some of my friends, sometimes rather use the text books because they are easier and quicker. Thankyou for giving us the chance to have laptops!!! :) :)
Using the laptops is a really good way to learn new things and to be able to do classes online and on our laptops. I look forward to school, having my laptop to work on. The only problem is with some assignments on the internet because some students don't have internet access at home.
Obstacles encountered Continuing challenges