STAAR, STAAR-M, STAAR-L 2012 CAMPUS GENERAL TEST ADMINISTRATOR TRAINING STAAR, STAAR-M, STAAR-L {date}, 2012 Trainer – {trainer name} Humble Independent School District
This PowerPoint does not eliminate your requirement to read and understand the Test Administrator Manuals. READ THE MANUALS!! Get the message?
Campus Test Administrator Responsibilities STAAR STAAR-M STAAR-L
Test Administrator Responsibilities Read the Test Administrator Manual. Attend training conducted by your campus test coordinator. Receive secure testing materials from your campus test coordinator. Observe all rules regarding test security and confidential integrity of the state testing system. Administer the tests in strict compliance with the directions in the Test Administrator Manual. Supervise and actively monitor testing. Do not provide any unauthorized assistance to students during testing. Do not view the test, discuss the test, or score a student test either before, during, or after testing.
Active Monitoring Monitoring during test administrations is the responsibility of the test administrator, the campus test coordinator, and the campus principal. Teachers are required to actively monitor students during testing. Principals and Campus Test Coordinators will actively monitor testing sessions at their campus.
What Is Active Monitoring? Watching students during testing. The focus of the teacher’s attention is on the students and not elsewhere. Walking around to better observe what students are doing. Are students; working on correct section of test, marking answers on the answer document, not cheating, not using cell phones, not talking or communicating with other students, etc.?
What is NOT Active Monitoring? Anything that takes the test administrator’s attention away from the students during testing. Examples include; Working on the computer or doing . Reading a book, magazine, or newspaper. Grading papers or doing lesson planning. Leaving the room without a trained substitute test administrator in the room. Leaving students unattended during lunch or breaks. Be sure to not read the test content over a student’s shoulder and do not examine specific student responses during testing, since doing these will be a test security violation committed while active monitoring.
Cell Phones The use of cell phones or other two-way communication devices is prohibited during testing for students and test administrators. You must read the Humble ISD electronic statement The reason is that cell phones can…. disrupt the testing environment, be used to cheat by obtaining unauthorized assistance on test content by students, and can be used to image secure tests and compromise the confidentiality of the test with their camera feature by students and teachers.
Seating Chart Rule Seating Charts are required for all test administrations. Seating Charts must include: – Location of testing session (campus, room) and a brief description of the testing area (classroom, library, broom closet, etc.) – The assessment being given including grade and subject. – The first and last names of the test administrator(s). – The first and last names of each student and where they were seated for testing. – Student ID – Student test booklet number. – Test start time and end time – this includes any breaks not included in the 4 hour time limit. If students are re-grouped during testing an additional seating chart will be needed for the new group. The new seating chart should indicate the time students were regrouped.
Honor Statements Students taking EOCs will be asked to sign an honor statement immediately prior to taking the exam. The language will appear on the answer document. Sign it in pencil. By signing my name, I agree that I will not give or receive unauthorized assistance during the test. I understand that giving or receiving unauthorized assistance during the test is cheating and may result in the invalidation of my test results. Test administrators are not required to check to make sure students sign their honor pledges.
STAAR Time Limits Policies and Procedures Start and Stop Times The four-hour time period will start when the test administrator has read directions and tells students to begin working on their tests. Start time for the test session must be recorded on the seating chart. Distribution of materials and the test administrator “SAY” directions are not included in the four-hour time limit. Students must record all responses on their answer documents before the end of the four-hour time period. Once the four-hour time period has ended, test administrators will instruct any students still testing to put their pencils down and close their test booklets. Stop time must be recorded on the seating chart.
STAAR Time Limits Policies and Procedures Breaks Breaks are allowed. Some are included in the time limit; others allow the test administrator to stop the testing time for the group or for an individual student. Breaks are classified in two ways: Breaks included in the four-hour time limit (not allowed to stop the time clock) water breaks, bathroom breaks, snack breaks, and short physical or mental breaks Breaks NOT included in the four-hour time limit (required to stop and restart the time clock) lunch emergency situations that significantly interrupt testing consolidation and movement of students to another testing area medical breaks to the nurse
STAAR Time Limits Policies and Procedures Lunch Students may stop testing to take a supervised lunch. The testing time must be stopped for a lunch break and will restart when students resume taking the test. Students must place their answer documents inside their test booklets so that all secure materials can be collected and placed in locked storage. Students must be monitored by trained testing personnel and are not allowed to discuss any test content during lunch.
Departures from Test Administration Procedures Incidents resulting in a deviation from documented testing procedures are defined as testing irregularities. Each person participating in the testing program is responsible for reporting immediately to the district testing coordinator any violation or suspected violation of test security or confidentially, including all testing irregularities.
Test Schedule and Directions All tests must be administered on the scheduled day. All tests must be administered in strict accordance with the instructions contained in the test administration manuals.
Elementary DateTest March 27*4 th Writing Day 1 5 th Math March 28*4 th Writing Day 2 5 th Reading April 24**3 rd Math 4 th Math April 25**3 rd Reading 4 th Reading April 26**5 th Science Humble ISD Testing Calendar
DateTest March 27*7 th Writing Day 1 8 th Math March 28*7 th Writing Day 2 8 th Reading April 24**6 th Math 7 th Math April 25**6 th Reading 7 th Reading April 26**8 th Science April 27**8 th Social Studies * Makeup testing must be complete by March 30 ** Makeup testing must be complete by April 27 Each administration includes STAAR (English & Spanish), STAAR Modified, and STAAR L for Math and Science Middle School
DateSTAARTAKS March 5XL Retest Soc. Stu March 7*10 th ELA 11 th ELA XL Retest ELA March 8XL Retest Math March 9XL Retest Science March 26 **English I Writing English III Writing March 27 **English I Reading English II Reading March 28 **English II Writing March 29 **English II Reading * 10 th Grade ELA Makeup on March 8 ** All Makeup sessions complete by March 30 All Administrations of STAAR include STAAR modified Administrations of TAKS include TAKS, TAKS Modified and TAKS Accommodated. Administrations of TAKS retest include TAKS and TAKS Accommodated High School/EOC - March
DateSTAAR May 8Algebra I Geometry Algebra II May 9Biology Chemistry Physics May 10World Geography World History U.S. History All makeup sessions will need to be complete by May 11 Each administration includes STAAR, STAAR Modified, and STAAR L for Math, Science, and Social Studies EOC
Make Up Testing Make-up testing sessions are permitted for all STAAR grades and subjects The student must be absent on the scheduled testing day in order to be eligible for make up testing. Your campus testing coordinator must still make district turn in time. He /she will call for exceptions.
Answer Documents
Two Answer Documents There are two answer documents that are used for all STAAR testing. 1) STAAR and STAAR-L including both English and Spanish are on one combined answer document (per grade) 2) STAAR-M– will use the STAAR-M answer document. STAAR–Alt – no answer documents should be submitted for students assessed with STAAR-Alt -it is an online only system.
Answer Documents (continued) Less score codes in STAAR! “S” – tested “A” – absent “O” – other (illness, testing irregularity, EOC/above grade level, etc.) “*” – paper/online or STAAR/STAAR Modified NOTE: For each subject area, only ONE score code should be gridded.
Answer Documents (continued) An “*” score code is present on all STAAR and STAAR Modified answer documents that have two subject areas tested. NOTE: For each subject area, only ONE score code should be gridded.
Answer Documents (continued) TEST TAKEN INFO field — information about the test form (STAAR or STAAR L) and the language version (English or Spanish) must be recorded in this field. “EN” or “SP” for grades 3, 4, and 5 “Blank” bubble for grades 6, 7, 8 “L” bubble for math, science and social studies
Answer Documents (continued) For each subject area tested, only ONE bubble, if applicable, should be gridded in the TEST TAKEN INFO field to show which assessment the student was administered. Determine if the student is eligible for STAAR or STAAR L. Next, determine the language version of the assessment that the student will take (grades 3, 4, and 5 only). Follow the same steps to grid the TEST TAKEN INFO field even if the student is absent from the test or illness/test irregularity occurs during testing.
STAAR English I, II, & III STAAR & STAAR L Algebra II
Duplication of Written Compositions This is no longer allowed!!!!!!!!
Test Administration Procedures
Testing Guidelines Tests must be administered on the dates specified in the State Testing Calendar of Events. At least one test administrator for every 30 students. “Testing – Do Not Disturb” signs posted on testing rooms. Testing rooms should be quiet, well lighted, well ventilated, and comfortable. Bulletin Boards and instructional displays covered or removed if it contains anything that might aid students during testing. A clock or stop watch must be available to monitor the four-hour time period.
Testing Procedures Do not allow students to bubble in the demographic fields on the front of the answer document. No cell phones or other two-way telecommunication devices (students or teachers). Reference material and graph paper are embedded in the test booklets. Students will be instructed to tear out the reference material. If the reference material becomes unusable, additional copies can be provided.
Testing Procedures Scratch paper for any STAAR test is allowed. Turn in any used scratch paper to your campus testing coordinator. Test administrators are not allowed to answer any question relating to the content of the test itself. Test administrators must actively monitor students during testing. Test administrators cannot leave the room unless a trained substitute test administrator is present. May change testing rooms as long as test security is not breached.
Testing Procedures Reinforcing, reviewing, and/or distributing testing strategies during an assessment is strictly prohibited. You cannot require students to use any particular test taking strategy. Students can use test taking strategies but you cannot require them to do so during the testing. This includes first marking answers in test booklet and then transferring them later to the answer document. Students must finish within the four hour time limit. This includes bubbling answers on answer documents. Communicate visually or verbally the amount of time left to test in one-hour intervals. Test administrators should also indicate when the students have 30, 15 and 5 minutes left.
Guide to the Test Administrator Directions Find the directions pertaining to the test to be administered. Read aloud WORD FOR WORD the material printed in bold type and preceded by the word “SAY.” You may repeat the directions as many times as needed. The material in italics is information meant for you and should not be read aloud to students.
Guide to the Test Administrator Directions
Testing Procedures Students should be reminded periodically to record their responses on their answer documents. A student’s responses must be recorded on the answer document within the four- hour time period. Test administrators may say, “Remember that you must record your responses on the answer document. Be sure to erase any stray marks that you might have accidentally made on your answer document.” Test administrators may not view or discuss individual test items or responses. It is permissible to encourage students to stay on task.
Testing Procedures Students must remain seated during testing and are not allowed to talk while test booklets are open. Students are not allowed to work on a previous section of the test or a section that has not yet been administered. Lunch breaks are permitted, however students must remain as a group and be monitored by a trained test administrator so they do not discuss the test. Students will not be permitted to record answers on the answer document after the time limit has ended.
Dictionaries and Thesauruses Dictionaries must be available to all students taking: STAAR reading assessments (including STAAR Modified) at grades 6–8 STAAR writing assessments (including STAAR Modified) at grade 7 STAAR English I, II, and III reading and writing assessments (including STAAR Modified)
Calculator Use Must provide each student a graphing calculator for their entire Algebra I, Geometry, or Algebra II test test. Must provide a four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator for Biology, Chemistry or Physics. Districts are required to ensure that all calculator memory is cleared and all additional applications are disabled for testing.
Grade 3 Mathematics Reading Assistance Grade 3 math reading assistance is part of the standard administration for all students taking TAKS, TAKS Accommodated, or TAKS-M. Upon the request of the student, the test administrator may provide assistance by reading any word, phrase, or sentence of a test question or answer choice that the student is experiencing difficulty reading. Permitted on an individual basis only for any grade 3 student who requests it. Test administrators do not receive an additional copy of the test to provide mathematics reading assistance. Reading assistance is not an oral administration. Reading the entire grade 3 math test is an oral administration.
After Testing Procedures After student testing materials are collected, students may be allowed to quietly read books (must not disturb others still testing). Immediately after each test session, the test administrator must return all test materials to the campus coordinator.
Returning Testing Materials Verify that no answer documents have inadvertently been left in test booklets. Make sure that any transcribing that is required for special testing situations has been done. Remember that “Transcribed by” and “Reason” must be recorded on the top of all transcribed answer documents. All reference material, graph paper, scratch paper, supplemental aids, etc. must be returned to your campus testing coordinator.
Optional Test Administration Procedures & Materials
What procedures and materials are available to ALL students? Includes some things that have been called testing accommodations in previous years Related to best practices for instruction Available to any student who needs them Not intended for every student in a class or disability category Not recorded on answer document Allowed for any student NOT every student; test administrators should not distribute these materials on test day; make them available in front of room or ask students if they need it
What procedures and materials are available to ALL students? Reading assistance on grade 3 mathematics Highlighters or colored pencils Procedures or materials to minimize distractions (e.g., stress ball, noise- reducing headphones) Reading test aloud to self (e.g., reading into a voice-feedback device or voice recorder) Signing or translating test administration directions Scratch paper or other workspace Colored overlays Magnifying devices Blank place markers Preferential seating
Optional Test Administration Materials and Procedures Before handing out secure testing materials or reading test administration procedures, ask students if they need any of the materials determined as allowable in the Optional Test Administration Materials Procedures. Allowable items to distribute: Place markers Colored pencils Highlighters Graph paper Note: you may only deliver only to students who request. Also, students may request additional supplies once testing begins.
Testing Accommodations
Are changes to instructional materials, procedures, or techniques that are made on an individual basis and allow a student with a disability to participate in grade-level or course instruction and testing Should be evaluated regularly to determine effectiveness and to help plan for accommodations the student will need each year Maybe appropriate for classroom use, but not allowed on state assessment Routinely and effectively used Individualized for each student Are not changes to the content being assessed and should not replace the teaching of subject- specific knowledge and skills as outlined in the TEKS Should not be provided to an entire group of students, such as those in the same class or disability Are not necessary for every student Should not be provided to a student without evidence of effectiveness
Testing Accommodations Your Campus Testing Coordinator will give you specific directions and additional instructions if you will be administering STAAR tests with special accommodations. Test administrators must be familiar with oral administrations. TEA has articulated all allowable accommodations on the Student Assessment web page. This web site provides more detailed information about all testing accommodations. -telpas/ -telpas/
Same Form Multiple forms of STAAR tests are a result of imbedded field test items in the operational tests. The only difference between different forms is the field test items. Be sure to use the same form of the test for all students receiving oral accommodations. This includes the test administrator booklet.
Oral Administration Available for eligible students on STAAR or STAAR-M Available for Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Not writing tests (except prompts). Reading passages can NEVER be read aloud. Encompasses different levels of reading support. Must be documented in IEP/IAP. Students may change level of support during testing only if this option is documented for that student. Same form must be used. The Test Administrator needs a copy of the test booklet with the same form number. Must maintain test security and confidential integrity. (Needs additional training and additional signature on security oath when the teacher is reading the test as part of the test administration.)
No exemptions for STAAR program STAAR L is a linguistically accommodated English version of STAAR for ELLs in grades 3 – 8 and on EOC who meet specific participation requirements STAAR Spanish is available for ELLs in grades 3 – 5 who meet specific participation requirements ELLs not eligible for STAAR L or STAAR Spanish may be provided allowable linguistic accommodations on STAAR Must be tested separately from any other student testing programs. 53 STAAR Assessments for English Language Learners (ELLs)
You have now completed the annual General STAAR Test Administrator Training for 2012.