VITAL SPARK Energy Drink VITAL SPARK is designed for Natural Male Enhancement, either maximum performance as Sex Enhancer is the All-natural improvement of stamina as well as sexual stimulant that is totally safe to use, there is also no need for Prescription, since this is not a medication. This originally formulation reinforces sexual function and arousal Quickly, made of Korea Premium Red Ginseng, especially in Rg3 which caught up in the testicles, penis increase Male hormones in the blood vessel going the amount of blood is known to improve the erectile power, also low-dose Effects of Korea Premium Red Ginseng would be erectile dysfunction cure, natural herb extracts and nutrients Available. Furthermore lead to bigger, harder, longer erections that last up to 72 hours and prostate cure well. Particularly, No side effect such as face flushing, blood shot eyes and slight headache. ANGY CORP.
Positive side effect Alphabetical order Vital SparkV.C.L. User SafetyVery SafeCaution LocationSouth KoreaUSA Germany FormulaRg3SildenafilTidalafilVardenafil All Natural IngredientsYesNo Prescription RequiredNoYes TypeDrink / Faster absorptionPill Elects last up to Maximum72Hours5Hours12-20Hours6Hours Take How long before action20mins60mins30-50mins25-45mins How should be takenWith light food or alcoholOn an empty stomach With foodAvoid Grapefruit or Grapefruit juice Can be taken with alcoholYesNo Abdominal painNo Yes Abdominal visionNoYes ArthragiaNo Yes Back painNo Yes Chest painNoYes DiarrheaNoYes DizzinessNo Yes Eye pain / HemorrhageNo Yes DyspepsiaNo Yes Facial oedemaNo Yes COMPARISON CHART
VITAL SPARK Energy Drink & V,C,L NoVITAL SPARK Energy DrinkV, C, L 1Natural Energy DrinkErectile dysfunction (ED) treatment 2Itself will cause an erectionItself does not cause an erection = If you take V, C,L an erection that will automatically come to expect as many people, hence it does not do Anything on the drug, Indefinitely waiting patient to be disappointed by A myriad. 3It is erogenousIt does not stimulate sexual desire = V, C, l the erectile dysfunction is Involved only in the patient’s physical problems, do not get involved until mental and this medicine should not misunderstood as aphrodisiac. 4Once you take 3days, Always needed effects may be taken Normal sexual activity should take 1hour ago. 5No side effectsSide effects are = headache, facial flushing, indigestion 6This is a common beverageThis is a medical drugs. 7There is no incompatible food = With light food or alcohol Being incompatible with grapefruit juice = V, C, L and grapefruit that have ingredient that do not match the chemistry, therefore drinking Grapefruit before and after taking it, You’re likely to cause various side Effects. Regular meals and other kinds of food to eat, When taking the Drugs effect should not forget that you can delay. 8Increase of testosterone secreted, the amount of blood vessels in the penis to have a lot to improve erectile force. Blood vessels, causing an erection to extend.
Korean Red Ginseng Benefits Men with Impotence Men experienced sexual difficulties due to inability to achieve erection may be helped by Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng), according to a study published in the Journal of Urology (2002;168:2070-3) Impotence, also called erectile dysfunction, is a term used to describe the inability to achieve and maintain an erection. It is a problem that affects Nearly half of men over age forty worldwide. It is sometimes associated with medical conditions that impair blood flow to the penis, Including Cardiovascular disease and diabetes, or those that affect nerve stimulation to the muscles of the penis, such as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease, It can also be a side effect of certain medications, or of drug or alcohol abuse. Conventional treatments for erectile dysfunction include surgical implants, direct penile injections of medications that dilate blood vessels, and oral Medications, Although oral medications are more popular than other approaches, their side effects can be serious or even life threatening, Especially for people with the types of underlying medical conditions that can erectile dysfunction. Korean red ginseng, also known as Asian ginseng, is an herb used traditionally in Asia for thousands of years. It is one of the most popular herbs In the world, and is used by an estimated six million people in the United States. Previous studies have supported its traditional uses by showing Its ability to stimulate immune function and control blood sugar. Results of other studies suggest it may contribute to cancer prevention, improve Mental and physical performance, and enhance sexual function. In the new study, 45 men with erectile dysfunction were randomly assigned to receive 900 mg of Korean red ginseng three times per day or a Placebo for eight weeks. After a two week break, each person received the other treatment for an additional eight weeks. The ability of the men to Achieve and maintain erections was significantly greater while they were receiving ginseng than while they were receiving placebo. A number of previous studies have suggested that Korean red ginseng might improve sexual function, Men trials have demonstrated improvements In sexual desire and function with ginseng. In one human trial, ginseng in combination with other herbs and nutrients improved libido and sexual Function in women. Another trial found a benefit of ginseng in men with erectile dysfunction. No significant side effects were seen in either of These trials.
+ INGREDIENTS Acanthopanax senticocusThe herb is an adaptogen is anticholesteremic is mildly anti-inflammatory is Antioxidant is a nervine and an immune tonic. GarlicGarlic has also been found to be helpful to those dealing with impotence. Maitake mushroomLowering high cholesterol, protecting the liver, increasing sex drive and Supporting the heart. Ganoderma lucidumIrregular or painful menstruation, pain when urination, gynecological disorder, lack of sexual interest, impotence. Pleuropterus multiflorusThis is used to threat rheumatoid, arthritis and impotence in the traditional oriental medicine. Maximowiczia chinesisPrevent male hyposexuality, impotence and premature ejaculation. Cornus officinalisThis all stimulate the libido and fertility and helps to alleviate impotence. Chinese matrimony vineThis has been used to treat impotence, backache, dizziness, general Weakness, fever and to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Black raspberryThis has been utilized in Korea for the management of impotence, Spermatorrhea, enuresis HoneyThis is believed to be an excellent remedy against impotence and premature ejaculation, recommend for recovery from impotency as well. MacaMaca can heighten libido and semen quality.
ANGY CORP. We’re advanced R&D systems equipped with manufacturer that is recognized as a leader in the field of premium Grade of Health care ( energy drink, health foods, hangover cure, ginseng products ) also is dedicated in Developing, manufacturing and providing to worldwide by taking advantage of GMP & HACCP and producing Facilities and marketing & sales team as well, In addition to be global scale marketer under our concepts & Mission for human oriented bio technologic. A.Agent : you could resell our branded products, be the distribution agent B.OEM : we carry out the products by the sample provider’s requirement C.ODM : we offer our ideal designed products produce under your branded Hapjeong-dong Pyeongtack-si Gyeonggi-do KOREA T: 82 (31)