Calendar: The Calendar: May Core Spiritual Practice and Writer’s Workshop Jim W. Turnage, MD, PsyD Holistic Family Physician
Where does your good come from? Your boss? Your investments? The government? Luck? ? ___________
God? –Spirit –Allah –One Mind –Great Spirit –The Universe –?
Don’t let anything, any word, stand between you and your good.
But where does your sense of lack and limitation come from?
Stories Please help me write my new book
So what’s your story? Please help me write my new book
The Affirmations God is my only source and supply. Each word emphasized Each word entrancing Each word enlightening 7x7
is my only source and supply. –What is God for you? –What is your cosmology? –Where is God located? –Can you feel, hear, see, experience the Presence
my only source and supply. This is the movement from the loving, creative, infinite, unconditioned power that is God- to the manifest This Week:
Infinite possibility in every moment crystallizing as your experience
Infinite possibility in this moment realized as your conscious experience
Possible to Concrete
It happens anyway Without artifice or effort But can it be influenced?
How? But can it be influenced? Are you willing? Can you surrender disbelief? How deep is your faith?
The Law of Intention The Law of Attraction The Law of manifestation Are you ready and willing to have the healing, the good, you deserve in your life?
My metaphysical cat Boo-too wants something in her life She has learned to manifest milk
Manifesting bowls of milk Boo-too only needs to know that milk will appear She can see it in her mind’s eye…taste it…smell it…all things come to she who waits in abiding certainty She does NOT need to know: –Where milk comes from –What a cow is; how to milk a cow –How to store it, transport it, market it, or sell it –She doesn’t have to have money, a job, a spouse, or a car to go get the milk She simply learns to manifest bowels of milk
My metaphysical cat Boo-too wants something in her life She thinks it’s a bowel of milk She learns to manifest bowels of milk But is she satisfied? ?
My metaphysical cat Boo-too wants something in her life But what? What next?
My metaphysical cat ASK (Matthew 7:7) –Ask and you will receive –Seek and you will find –Knock and the door will be opened to you ASK for what you really want. Your wish will likely come true
My metaphysical cat ASK –A sk How would God or anyone else know what you really wan to experience? –S eek for what you really want. –K nock This is the doing part of manifesting anything in your life
ASK: willingness
How? My Call Holistic Family Physician
Next Week God is only source and supply.
Thank You Jim W. Turnage, MD, PsyD
God is my source and supply. I don’t need anything else. If I focus on anything else, I have lost my way. I am on track; on my path; the only path
God is my only and supply. I look only at the origin of all things. This my limitless storehouse of health, joy, fulfillment. This is the one place where my Good awaits me right now The kingdom of God is within you
God is my only source and supply. It is an AND world All things are present simultaneously- whether I judge them good or bad Only my judgment limits my joy
God is my only source and It is God’s pleasure to give me the Kingdom. I am supplied ALL that I need. I have asked; I have sought; I have knocked. I am supplied.
Practice: God is my only source and supply. Breathe 7x7
Practice God is my only source and supply
When I still can’t see the Truth God is my only source and supply. Each word emphasized Each word entrancing Each word enlightening 7x7 7 times/day 7 days
What are your assumptions about forgiveness? Could you see this a different way? Do want to have peace or do you want to be right? Next Week
Pause and Reflect
Introduction: Personal Paths to Healing Part I: The Focus on You Jim W. Turnage, MD, PsyD Holistic Family Physician
The Law of Intention The Law of Attraction The Law of manifestation Are you ready and willing to have the healing, the good, you deserve in your life?
My metaphysical cat Boo-too wants something in her life She has learned to manifest milk
Manifesting bowls of milk Boo-too only needs to know that milk will appear She can see it in her mind’s eye…taste it…smell it…all things come to she who waits in abiding certainty She does NOT need to know: –Where milk comes from –What a cow is; how to milk a cow –How to store it, transport it, market it, or sell it –She doesn’t have to have money, a job, a spouse, or a car to go get the milk She simply learns to manifest bowels of milk
My metaphysical cat Boo-too wants something in her life She thinks it’s a bowel of milk She learns to manifest bowels of milk But is she satisfied? ?
My metaphysical cat Boo-too wants something in her life But what? What next?
My metaphysical cat ASK –Ask and you will receive –Seek and you will find –Knock and the door will be opened to you ASK for what you really want. Your wish will likely come true
My metaphysical cat ASK –A sk How would God or anyone else know what you really wan to experience? –S eek for what you really want. –K nock This is the doing part of manifesting anything in your life
ASK: another way to look at it To ASK is as easy as breathing –Aspiration : Ask. The Universe doesn’t know you want for anything –Inspiration : Seek. Look deeply within. What do you really want. What is your heart’s desire? –Perspiration : Knock. Get up out of your rut and do what you are called to do this day. Breathe: aspiration, inspiration, and perspiration come from the Latin:inspiratus to breathe. God breathes into your very soul
ASK: willingness
Are you willing to ASK? Think Think about the answer –Aspiration : Ask. _________________________ _________________________ –Inspiration : Seek. _________________________ _________________________ –Perspiration : Knock. _________________________ _________________________
Are you willing to ASK? Breathe into your heart; wait for the answer –Aspiration: –Aspiration: Ask. ___________________________ ___________________________ –Inspiration: –Inspiration: Seek. ___________________________ ___________________________ –Perspiration: –Perspiration: Knock. ___________________________ ___________________________
Are you ready and willing to ASK? Discussion –Right now? –When? –What is holding you back?
Pause and Reflect