By: Ann Carey, M.A., CCC-SLP Speech-Language Pathologist Assistive Technology Building Coach
Assistive Technology is any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a student with a disability. The term does not include a medical device that is surgically implanted, or the replacement of such device. (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1401(1))
Need to complete REED to request assistive technology assessment AT building coaches in EUP complete SETT for HIAT may request assistance through EUPISD for LIAT SETT process
Stands for student, environment, tasks, tools See "Assistive Technology" under the special education tab on the EUPISD website
HIGH INCIDENCE DISABILITIES includes more than 10% of students in average classroom Communication Disorders Specific Learning Disabilities Mild/moderate cognitive impairments Emotional / behavioral disorders Autism Spectrum Disorders
Low incidence disabilities include less than 1% of school- age population Blindness / low vision Deafness / hard of hearing Significant developmental delay Complex health issues Serious physical impairment Multiple disability Complex communication disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder
PBIS - used consistently across all settings Color coded Binder system for organization Visuals o memory aids – wall charts, number lines o Minimize distractions need to include direct skills teaching of strategies and tools – “I’m going to say something important” Use combination of teacher supports, environmental supports, and assistive technology (can't just provide tools)
Book - free for qualifying disabilities (VI, PD, LD) source for digital books, newspapers, and magazines Natural Reader - free converts text files to mp3 and WAV files NIMAC - Accessible Instructional Materials R9RQ2E%3d&tabid= R9RQ2E%3d&tabid=1413 Re-wordify -
First Author - Don Johnston - takes student through writing process (word banks) Clicker 5 - writing with word banks CoWriter - Don Johnston - word prediction, spell check with flexible spelling, text to speech WordQ/SpeakQ - word prediction software/text to speech software
Calculator - accommodation vs modification Conceptua Math - software using visual models to teach fractions Math magic - iPad app with visual models for teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division Check out REMC items available for checkout on EUPISD website Kahn Academy - nSedG6M%3d&tabid= nSedG6M%3d&tabid=1413
Built-in accessibility features: Text to speech Reader short-cuts Guided access Multi-tasking gesture
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - conversion of scanned images of handwritten type written or printed text into machine - encoded text (text which can be highlighted and then read aloud using the built in accessibility features of the iPad) Prizmo ($9.99) Copyrighted material - Daisy, Bookshare, etc. Reading
Inspiration Maps ($14.99, lite version) Tools 4Students (.99) Graphic Organization
writings ($4.99) new pad plus ($4.99) clicker docs ($25.99) typ-0 ($14.99) iWordQ ($24.99) co-writer ($17.99) paper helper ($1.99) paper port notes (free)
Font size / color Background color Word prediction / flexible spelling On board dictionary Text-to-speech Picture support Exporting documents ( , printing, etc.)
SpeechPad o currently works only in Chrome browser o Student would need to cut/paste text into document Read and Write - free add on for google chrome o Free version provides text-to-speech and translation for webpages, PDF, word files, google docs, epub, and kes files o Paid version includes costs $100/year for single user Paid version includes costs $100/year for single user
EUPISD – Special Education – Assistive Technology AT in the UP – MITS – Michigan Integrated Technology Supports