Male Flower Parts 1. Stamen Anther Filament How do flowering plants reproduce? 1. Stamen Anther Filament (Male Part) pollen (Female) (Male)
Reproduction: Male Flower Parts What is the male part of a flower? Stamen: The male part of a flower. Anther: Produces the pollen that contains the sperm cells. Filament: The stalk that supports the anther. (Male Part) pollen pollen (Male) (Female)
Female Flower Parts 1. Pistil a. Stigma b. Style c. Ovary What is the female part of a flower? 1. Pistil a. Stigma b. Style c. Ovary (Female Part) (Male) (Female)
Reproduction: Female Flower Parts What is the female part of a flower? Pistil: The female parts of the flower. Stigma: the sticky top where pollen grains land. Style: a stalk down which the pollen tube grows after pollination has taken. Ovary: contains the ovules where the egg cells are produced. (Female Part) (Male) (Female)
What is pollination? Pollination Pollen must be transferred from the male part of a flower (the STAMEN’s anther) to the female part of another plant’s flower (the PISTIL’s sticky stigma). Pistil Stamen
What is fertilization? Fertilization In the PISTIL’s ovary the sperm cell from the pollen meets up with the egg. The seed/embryo now begins to grow!!! Pistil Stamen
Plants: Reproduction Petals and Sepals? Petals: Protect the stamen and pistil. Often bright in color and help attract pollinators like bees. Sepals: Green leaf-like structures that protect the bud and hold the flower petals.
Pollination / Fertilization What is pollination / fertilization? Pollination / Fertilization Pollen must be transferred from the male part of a flower (the STAMEN’s anther) to the female part of another plant’s flower (the PISTIL’s sticky stigma). The pollen grain will release a sperm cell that goes down PISTIL’s style into the PISTIL’s ovary. In the PISTIL’s ovary the sperm from the pollen meets up with the egg. The seed/embryo now begins to grow!!!