Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen E-procurement with with ethics and gatetrade Stig Yding Sørensen Danish Technological Institute
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen Supplier Suppliers National danish procurement Tendering by Ethics Catalogue Internet database Tendering, evaluation and catalogueing Public purchasersERP Private purchasersERP Public purchasers Members of National Procurement ERP PurchasersBackoffice systems E-procurement in Denmark – at a glance DOIP Gatetrade b2b KMD Webbestilling Online procurement systems Net Indkøb Online procurement Other procurement systems DOIPEI
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen Seminar in Praha day 1 TENDERING USING ETHICS PURCHASING USING GATETRADE
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen Seminar in Praha day 2 TENDERING USING ETHICS PURCHASING USING GATETRADE
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen Objectives of the Seminar The seminar will give you understanding of 2 systems for e- Procurement and e-Purchasing You will meet systems experts and a public purchaser with hands-on experience in Denmark You will have to discuss and ask questions to transfer the Danish experience into a Czech framework You will develop a sample plan to implement e-Procurement system in your organisation
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen TENDERING USING ETHICS PURCHASING USING GATETRADE DAY 1 DAY 2 System overview Practical case Implementation System overview Practical case Implementation
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen Who are here today ? -What is your name? -Organisation? -Why are you interested in e-Procurement?
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen From scratch to e-procurement Use Brown Paper to develop an ideal proces from scratch to a running eProcurement system Who does what, when, how and why? Questions: Who can make system and budget decisions? How long would it take to implement? Who are the actors in the proces of system design, organising, training and communicating. What to do about stakeholders – and when? What should be the criterias for success Bring: Experience, ideas and inspiration Tools: Brown paper, pens, notes
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen Result of Brown Paper Scratch Running system Purchaser Suppliers Programmers, decision makers Users
Danish Technological Institute Stig Yding Sørensen SWOT – ready to e-Procurement? STRENGTH OPPORTUNITY WEAKNESS THREAT Internal External Negative Positive