Punishment: What are Christian views on the death penalty ? Starter: What does this picture show? LO: To describe Christian views on the death penalty. To evaluate arguments for and against the death penalty. Extension: Why are we always developing new ways to kill people?
Level 3 I can identify some reasons for and against the death penalty and can describe a Christian perspective on the death penalty. Level 5 I can explain reasons for and against the death penalty and can explain why there are varying Christian views on the death penalty. Level 7 I can evaluate arguments for and against the death penalty and can analyse the two contrasting Christian views on the death penalty. I can formulate a reasoned argument, including my own justified perspective and critiquing other opinions. Learning Outcomes
Retribution: Revenge or harmful action against a person who has committed a crime e.g the death penalty. Rehabilitation: Helping criminals reintegrate into society through education, community service etc.
1.Name 2 of the countries responsible for the highest numbers of executions on Which is the only European country that still carries out executions? 3.How many people were executed worldwide in 2011? are an organisation who fight against oppression, injustice and cruelty. They campaign to stop executions. Watch the clip and then be ready to answer the questions below:
Assessment for learning – interim progress check Please complete the activity below reflecting on your learning so far in today’s lesson: So far in this lesson, I have learnt: Learning objectives: To describe Christian views on the death penalty. To evaluate arguments for and against the death penalty.
Watch this clip. equality/death-penalty-debate. On your table work together to think of reasons for the death penalty and reasons against the death penalty. Use the ideas from the video clip to help you. equality/death-penalty-debate ForAgainst
Sort these arguments into for and against the death penalty and add them to your list. If someone murders someone else, they have given up their human rights, including the one to stay alive themselves. Giving a killer the death sentence will stop them - and others - doing it again Being killed by lethal injection or being electrocuted is not always smooth and painless, sometimes it causes a painful death No-one has ever proven with numbers that killing murderers stops other people committing similar crimes
What do Christians think about the death penalty? Record your answer in your book: I think Christians agree with / do not agree with the death penalty because……………..
So, what does the Bible say about the death penalty? The Bible prescribes the death penalty for the following activities, among others: Murder Adultery Rape Picking up sticks on Saturday A woman who is found not to have been a virgin on the night of her wedding Worshiping other gods Witchcraft (Exodus 22:18) Taking God's name in vain or cursing God's name Cursing a parent
However, Jesus taught that we should love our neighbour, show forgiveness and be compassionate. Some Christians think the death penalty is ok because in the ……………… the death penalty is prescribed for certain actions, e.g ………………… However, other Christians think the death penalty is wrong because ………………….. taught us to love our …………………, and show………………………… Jesus, Bible, neighbour, murder, forgiveness. Copy and complete the paragraph below. Extension: Think back to last weeks lesson on justice. Does the death penalty allow justice to be done?
Plenary: Stand along the opinion line. Be ready to justify your opinion. ‘ The death penalty is the best way to deal with criminals.’ AGREEDISAGREE
‘All Christians disagree with the death penalty.’ AGREE DISAGREE