Abortion & the Death Penalty Key points on the Catholic perspective:
Abortion: -All Human Life is sacred – all People have equal “dignity.” -“Human” life begins at conception and must be protected. -The value of a Human Life does not depend on the state of “development” or the “circumstances” – such as rape. -Social Justice Themes: - “Life & Dignity of the Human Person’ -“Option for the Poor & Vulnerable”
Death Penalty: – God never stops loving us – even when we sin, or reject this love, or harm our own dignity. – The Church calls for “mercy” even for the most violent criminals. – More violence is not the answer. – Revenge is not the goal of punishment. – Modern Society now has the means to protect itself (life in prison w/o parole). – Is cruel and unnecessary. – Reflects a flawed criminal justice system; the poor and innocent are on death row. – SJ Themes: “Life/Dignity of Human Person; “Option for Poor/Vulnerable.”
Summary: The “Right to Life” is the most important/basic of all human rights – Everything else depends on this! The Church argues that we must be “CONSISTENT” regarding all issues of life Defending the “weakest” & the “powerless.” – Abortion – Poverty (Homelessness) Workers’ Rights – Capital Punishment (Death Penalty) – Racism – War – Anything that might affect Human Life & Dignity “The well-being of each person is interrelated with the well-being of all people.”