MGMT 200 Personality & Individual Differences
What is Personality? Personality is defined as the combination of characteristics that comprise a person’s unique nature Nature vs. Nurture Proactive vs. Reactive Organizational Needs…is there an “ideal personality” type? One size does not fit all! Big Five Personality Model 1. Extraversion: Outgoing, sociable, assertive 2. Agreeableness: Good-natured, cooperative 3. Conscientiousness: Responsible, dependable 4. Emotional stability: Secure, relaxed, calm 5. Openness to experience: Imaginative, broad-minded
Personality: Jung Typology ► Four personality dimensions that identify 16 different personality types: Extraversion- Introversion Sensing-Intuitive Thinking-Feeling Judging-Perceiving ► Also researched by Myers & Briggs, and Keirsey ► Job characteristics matched to individual traits, preferences
Personality & Locus of Control INTERNALS I control what happens to me! EXTERNALS People and circumstances control my fate!
A person’s general predisposition to feel and exhibit certain behaviors Negative Affect (NA) Individuals prone to experience anxiety, depression, guilt, cynicism Positive Affect (PA) Individuals prone to describe themselves as cheerful, enthusiastic, confident, active, & energetic Emotional intelligence (EI) Ability to understand others’ emotions, manage relationships well Personality & Affect Self-AwarenessSocial Awareness Self Management Relationship Management Emotional Intelligence
Positive & Negative Emotions Emotions are the most short- lived, and often intense, range of feelings we experience! Can lead to changes in our mood, which are longer-lasting.
How do emotions & moods influence organizational behavior? Emotion and mood contagion spillover effects of one’s emotions and mood onto others – stress and coping mechanisms factors Emotional labor regulating one’s emotions to display those desired by the organization Emotional dissonance inconsistencies between emotions we feel and emotions we project
Understanding Individual Differences Important for predicting individual & group behavior across situations: Self awareness: a conscious understanding of ourselves (personality, talents, preferences and biases) Self-monitoring: adjusting behavior to situational factors Self-concept: the perception individuals have of themselves Self-esteem: belief in one’s self worth Self-efficacy: belief in one’s ability to accomplish a task
Link between Individual Differences & Behavior in Organizations Figure 3.1: The Link between Attributes and Behavior in Organizations Source: K. R. Murphy (1996a). A Combination of “Can-do” & “Will-do”
Workforce Diversity ► Diversity: Variation in the human characteristics that distinguish one individual from one another ► Trends Affecting Workforce Diversity Economy, cost of living = dual- income households Globalization Demographics = age/generation groups, ethnic and racial shifts
Employment Legislation in the U.S. ► Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and veteran status in all employment decisions, applies to any organization with 15 or more employees Enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the EEOC ► Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Protects rights of people with disabilities involving forms of impairment, limitations, and inability to perform normal daily functions ► Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) Protects employees and job applicants from discrimination on the basis of age for everyone over the age of 40
Benefits of Workplace Diversity ► Companies that promote equal employment opportunity generally do better at attracting and retaining talented employees Diversity of talents and skills enables competitive advantage ► Global marketplace demands a workforce with language skills, cultural sensitivity, and awareness of global differences ► Companies with effective diversity programs can avoid lawsuits and damage to their reputation ► Progressive organizations: articulate a clear diversity mission, set objectives, and hold managers accountable for fair decisions and actions find the most diverse possible pool of qualified candidates help employees trying to balance the complex, multiple demands of work and personal life work-life balance support and programs provide awareness training and opportunities for collaboration across diverse work groups ► identifying in-group/out-group mentality and stereotypes ► focus on inclusion
TED Talk: Susan Cain – The Power of Introverts TED Talk: Susan Cain - The Power of Introverts TED Talk: Susan Cain - The Power of Introverts