Language Learning for Busy People These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute.. A1-Beginner: Can You Speak Slowly?
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. The following time table can be used to finish this lesson in 50 minutes. Lesson Time Table 7 minutesWarm-Up 5 minutesPronunciation Practice 2 minutesPre-Listening Questions 7 minutesDialogue 5 minutesVocabulary Review 7 minutesKey Vocabulary Exercise 7 minutesGrammar 3 minutesCultural Takeaway & Discussion 5 minutesReview of Dialogue 2 minutesWrap-Up
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Warm-Up Use the following questions to begin a discussion with your student about speaking quickly or slowly: 1.Do you speak your native language quickly? 2.Why or why not? 3.How do you ask English speakers to speak more slowly?
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Pronunciation Tip – R/L Both “R” and “L” sounds are difficult to teach as the student cannot see into the teacher’s mouth! For both sounds, encourage the student to control their tongues. For the “L” sound, the tongue should begin right behind the upper teeth (rather than in the middle of the roof of the mouth.) For the “R” sound, encourage students stiffen the muscles in their tongue and push the back of the tongue against the upper teeth. (Note: this is for the American “R”. If you are teaching a different accent, skip the “R”!) The following pattern is helpful in teaching Pronunciation: 1.M & R the words in the blue column. 2.M & R the words in the green column. 3.M & R the words as pairs –blue then green 4.Test the student by saying one word of the pair and having them identify it as being in the blue or green column. 5.Reverse roles – the student becomes the tester and says one word of the pair and you identify it. 6.Review and practice problem words as needed.
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Pronunciation Practice – R/L RL X wronglong rightlight fryfly
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Model and repeat the following questions for your student before modeling the dialogue. Allow the student to see these questions when you model the dialogue. Pre-Listening Questions: 1.Who is Peter calling? 2.What hotel is he calling from? 3.Why is he calling? Pre-Listening Questions
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. 1.Review the Pre-Listening Questions. 2.Read or play the dialogue script for your student. If possible, allow the student to see the Pre-Listening Questions while listening to the dialogue. 3.Ask your student to answer the Pre-Listening Questions. Repeat the dialogue if necessary. 4.Model and have the student repeat the dialogue line by line. Pay particular attention to pronunciation. 5.Check for comprehension and questions. 6.Read the dialogue taking parts. Switch parts and repeat the dialogue. Dialogue
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Using the “Vocabulary” tab on the Open Language site, go through the targeted vocabulary words with your student. Pay attention to their pronunciation and comprehension. Vocabulary Review
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Key Vocabulary – Multiple Choice 1/2 1.Please call the ________ and confirm our reservation. b.hotel c.slowly 2.When will you _________ at the airport? a.check in b.confirm c.calling
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Key Vocabulary – Multiple Choice 2/2 3.______ we are going to go on a hiking tour. a.speak b.reservation 4.I’d like to make a _______ for next Saturday. a.check-out c.reservation
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Grammar Review – Using “Slowly” “Slowly” is an adverb and is used to modify verbs. “Quickly” is it’s opposite. Add “slowly” or “quickly” to the following sentences (after the verb/verb phrase) to talk about daily life. You can add the word “very” to strengthen the meaning: 1.I eat breakfast. 2.She reads. 3.My son runs. 4.We shop. 5.He drives.
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Cultural Takeaway & Discussion You may have a harder time trying to understand somebody on the phone than when you talk to them face to face. If you’re having trouble understanding them, stop them and let them know. People are usually willing to slow down and make things clearer for you. What can you say to ask people to slow down or repeat themselves?
These documents are private and confidential. Please do not distribute. Wrap-Up For homework, you can do the ‘Exercise’ part of today’s lesson. You should complete it and submit it online. You will see an automatic score. Try to listen to the dialogue again and see if your understanding has improved. Remember, you can save different vocabulary terms in the app or online and review them as flashcards. The next lesson is____________.