Science is…
Introduction Science in the early childhood classroom should be hands-on, experimental, exciting and fun (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997) Science in the early childhood classroom should be hands-on, experimental, exciting and fun (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997) As early childhood educators we often ask ourselves “what science should be taught? How should science curriculum be structured? How should it be taught?” (Gullo, 2006) As early childhood educators we often ask ourselves “what science should be taught? How should science curriculum be structured? How should it be taught?” (Gullo, 2006)
Activity Please divide into your activity 1 group Please divide into your activity 1 group Discuss what science is at your school/in your classroom Discuss what science is at your school/in your classroom Think of a science lesson that you thought of as a success and discuss with group Think of a science lesson that you thought of as a success and discuss with group Think of a science lesson that you thought of as a failure and discuss with group Think of a science lesson that you thought of as a failure and discuss with group Do the lessons you heard about illustrate what science is/should be? Do the lessons you heard about illustrate what science is/should be?
What science should we teach? The National Science Standards state that we should teach science literacy to all students no matter their grade level The National Science Standards state that we should teach science literacy to all students no matter their grade level Science literacy is considered fundamental to the teaching and learning occurring within science education Science literacy is considered fundamental to the teaching and learning occurring within science education
What science should we teach: scientific literacy
What science should we teach: standards say Kindergarteners need to have biological, physical, earth and space science during the course of the year in order to meet the science standards set forth by the National Science Standards Kindergarteners need to have biological, physical, earth and space science during the course of the year in order to meet the science standards set forth by the National Science Standards
What science should we teach: inquiry An important aspect of science content in inquiry An important aspect of science content in inquiry Inquiry refers to the varying ways scientists study the natural world and suggest explanations for future study based on their work Inquiry refers to the varying ways scientists study the natural world and suggest explanations for future study based on their work It is also the activities where students develop knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas and the natural world (Gullo, 2006) It is also the activities where students develop knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas and the natural world (Gullo, 2006)
Important inquiry skills Raise questions Raise questions Explore materials, objects and events Explore materials, objects and events Use senses to make observations Use senses to make observations Observe in order to classify and define Observe in order to classify and define Use different simple tools Use different simple tools Participate in simple investigations Participate in simple investigations Record observations, explanations and ideas through a variety of media Record observations, explanations and ideas through a variety of media Work with others Work with others Share and discuss ideas (Gullo, 2006) Share and discuss ideas (Gullo, 2006)
What science should we teach: subject matter From life-from daily experiences of students From life-from daily experiences of students Based on science ideas Based on science ideas Developmentally appropriate Developmentally appropriate Children can directly explore Children can directly explore Children can explore deeply and over time Children can explore deeply and over time Engaging, fun and challenging Engaging, fun and challenging Reflect local environment and community Reflect local environment and community Integrate subjects Integrate subjects Allow for inquiry (Gullo, 2006; Bredekamp & Copple, 1997) Allow for inquiry (Gullo, 2006; Bredekamp & Copple, 1997)
What science should we teach: big ideas Look for patterns Look for patterns See relationships See relationships Notice change Notice change Identify cause and effect Identify cause and effect Form relates to function (Gullo, 2006; Bredekamp & Copple, 1997) Form relates to function (Gullo, 2006; Bredekamp & Copple, 1997)
How should curriculums be structured: simple framework Students and content direct the investigation Students and content direct the investigation Make sure engaging, focused exploration Make sure engaging, focused exploration Extend through investigation, books and other media as well as connecting to daily life (Gullo, 2006) Extend through investigation, books and other media as well as connecting to daily life (Gullo, 2006)
Structure Get familiar Get familiar Probe deeper Probe deeper Extend and enrich Extend and enrich Tie classroom to life Tie classroom to life (Gullo, 2006; Heuser, 2005) (Gullo, 2006; Heuser, 2005)
How should science be taught? Hands-on experiences (Heuser, 2005) Hands-on experiences (Heuser, 2005) Materials should connect to exploration Materials should connect to exploration Provide sufficient space for experimentation Provide sufficient space for experimentation Have a schedule Have a schedule The teacher should be a guide on the side (Gullo, 2006) The teacher should be a guide on the side (Gullo, 2006)
Where should science take place? In the classroom-there should be enough space for students to explore and investigate the science topics In the classroom-there should be enough space for students to explore and investigate the science topics In the real world- students should have experiences outside in their natural world which help them connect with the science content matter In the real world- students should have experiences outside in their natural world which help them connect with the science content matter In the community- students should be able to tie their science related experiences from the classroom and the natural world together in order to be contributing citizens in their community (Gullo, 2006, Bredekamp & Copple, 1997 In the community- students should be able to tie their science related experiences from the classroom and the natural world together in order to be contributing citizens in their community (Gullo, 2006, Bredekamp & Copple, 1997
What should science be? Fun Fun Engaging Engaging Challenging Challenging Exciting Exciting Explorative/experimental Explorative/experimental Deep Deep Collaborative (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997; Gullo, 2006; Sterling & Frazier, 2006) Collaborative (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997; Gullo, 2006; Sterling & Frazier, 2006)