Optical Distance Sensors with IO-Link ODSL 9, ODSL 96B, ODKL 96B Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e | Messbereich von: mm „Measuring in Se sensors are for many applications a good solution“ It does not matter if you need far or precise measurement. ODSL 9 (max. 450mm) ODSL 96 (max mm) ODKL 96 (max mm)
What is IO-Link? IO-Link is a standardised, industrial, serial interface, but no Fieldbus! IO-Link Master Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e | Communication
Optical Distance Sensors with IO-Link Main benefits Accurate measurement No conversion losses of analogue signals, works interference-free with long cables (max. 20m) Measurement data in mm No analogue parameterisation required mm values, thus no need for conversion Parameterisation and diagnosis with PLC Adaption of measurement system during operation with PLC Simple Cabling M12 cables with 3 pins without shield can be used Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e |
Benefit 1: Accurate measurement With No loss of accuracy at D/A conversion in sensor No loss of accuracy by cabling No loss of accuracy at A/D conversion in PLC Digital measurement data transfer without interference Example ODSL 9 with 0,01mm resolution Range: mm Resolution ODSL 9 analogue: 0,05mm Interface resolution (sensor/PLC): 2 x 12Bit =. 0,02mm + interference in cable Resolution ODSL 9 IO-Link: 0,01mm
Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e | Benefit 2: Measurement in mm With No need for conversion of measurement data No need for parameterisation of analogue interface in the sensor No need for parameterisation of analogue interface in the PLC Simple and fast sensor implementation Analog
Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e | Benefit 3: Parameterisation and diagnosis with PLC With Parameterisation of the sensor with PLC using service telegram „SPDU“ (for measuring modes, measuring filters) Sensor control with PLC using SPDU (for laser activation/deactivation, back to factory settings) Parameterisation does not need PC-Software or sensor keypad/display Sensor diagnosis with PLC Adaption to sensor application with PLC/IO-Link Master
Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e | Example: ODS IO-Link set-up on Siemens S7 A detailed description you find in the pdf file: „ods_io_link step7en.pdf“
3-Leiter L- C L+ IO-Link IO-Link ist kein Bussystem! Benefit 4: Simple Cabling With Connection with standard M12 cables, up to 20m length No need for cable shield Sensor cabling with 3 pins Econonic and fast connectivity Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e |
3 active pins L- C L+ IO-Link Pin1234 SignalL +L -C Remark24 V DC do not connect GND IO-Link communication Optical Distance Sensors with IO-Link Electrical connection All ODS sensors with IO-Link communicate solely on Pin4 COM2, 38,4 kBaud Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e |
Optical Distance Sensors with IO-Link Products and IODD Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e | Sensors working with triangulation technique Range: mm ODSL 9/L-450-S12 and ODSL 9/L-100-S12 ODSL 96B M/L-2000-S12 IODD (driver for IO-Link): leuze_electronic-ods_2064-*.zip Sensors working with Time-of-Flight technique Range: mm ODSL 96B M/L-S12 and ODKL 96B M/L-S12 IODD (driver for IO-Link): leuze_electronic-tof-2049-*.zip
Optical Distance Sensors with IO-Link Accessory for offline parameterisation USB IO-Link USB IO-Link Master: SET MD12-US2-IOL1 + Zub, Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e |
Optical Distance Sensors with IO-Link Benefits Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e | Fast implentation List price is reduced by 5% compared to analogue versions Economic solution Simple cabling Accurate measurement without loss
Interface comparision for ODS Analogue – IO-Link Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link | Analogue Interface set-up Analogue parameterisation ofsensor Analogue parameterisation of PLC Set-up of analogue-distance conversion Sensor parameterisation With display menue, PC software (proprietary) Sensor replacement Wrong type of sensor can be installed Proprietary sensor parameterisation Cost of hardware Low-priced interface Interface set-up Installation of IODD in IO-Link-Master Sensor parameterisation With engineering-tool of PLC (uses SPDU of IODD) Sensor replacement Type of sensor is recognised Sensor parameterisation with PLC Cost of hardware Interface with price level of analogue interface The list price of IO-Link ODS is reduced by 5% compared to analogue versions
Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e | Assembly ODSL 9 Conveying- and Storage ODSL 96B, ODKL 96B Packaging and Food ODSL 9, 96B Print and Paper ODSL 8. 96B Others and end user ODSL, 9, 96B Tool machine ODSL 9 Wood ODSL 9, 96B Optical Distance Sensors with IO-Link Industries
Optical Distance Sensors with IO-Link ODSL 9, ODSL 96B, ODKL 96B Leuze electronic | ODS_IO_Link_e | Messbereich von: mm „Measuring in Se sensors are for many applications a good solution“ It does not matter if you need far or precise measurement. ODSL 9 (max. 450mm) ODSL 96 (max mm) ODKL 96 (max mm)