21 st Century Instruction and Learning What should it look like? Presented by: Cheryl Capozzoli CAIU - Ed. Consultant
American Workforce
21 st Century Skills Framework What are 21 st Century Skills21 st Century Skills What are the NETSNETS –Student ProfilesStudent Profiles –Essential Conditions for leveraging technology in educationEssential Conditions –ISTE NETS Wiki collaborative effortISTE NETS Wiki US Dept. of Ed. Report - Harnessing Innovation to Support Student Success Using Technology to Personalize Education Harnessing Innovation to Support Student Success Using Technology to Personalize Education
Today’s Skills Create access, evaluate and use information Critical thinking Fluent with technology Display Originality Use various forms of media to present ideas Learn Access and evaluate information Critical thinking Fluent with technology Collaborate demonstrate cross cultural awareness work successfully as a team communicate complex ideas effectively
Student Technology Proficiency How is technology integrated across curriculum? Does your current K-12 technology infrastructure support 21 st Century learning and teaching? How does the Professional Development support effective technology integration? Do you assess student technology skill proficiency? InfoSource Assessment ToolInfoSource Assessment Tool
What Do Our Students Want and Need to Learn? Videos of Students in the 21 st CenturyVideos How are we meeting these digital learner needs? What types of technology and strategies can we use to engage our learners?
What Are The Next Steps? Develop comprehensive K-12 Integrated Curriculum – Lesson Plan ExamplesLesson Plan Examples Focus on 21 st Century Skills and assessment of 21 st Century Student Proficiencies21 st Century Skills Creating Professional Development opportunities that support 21 st Century Instruction and Learning Assess current technology resources and build a consistent robust infrastructure to support teachers and students – CFF Schools – Coaches/Teachers Collaborative Efforts – Collective intelligence – tap teacher and student SME’s
Resources ISTE Route 21 CFF Ed Hub Web 2.0 Integrations Digital Directions Edutopia eSchoolNews