IT Governance Purpose: Information technology is a catalyst for productivity, creativity and community that enhances learning opportunities in an environment of unlimited demands and limited resources. Executive Committee Meeting Action Items Presentation January 30, 2015 Adopting a strategic approach to information technology planning, budgeting and implementation at Cal Poly Pomona.
Administrative Technology Working Group Presenter: Glendy Yeh
Administrative Technology Working Group Four Recommendations: Curriculum Database (Curriculog) Mobile Application (Blackboard vs. Modo Labs) Digital Signage (Visix) eRecruit (PeopleSoft Candidate Gateway) Recommendations
Administrative Technology Working Group Curriculum Database Background Selection Criteria - Intuitive user interface - Additional functionalities - Integration with PeopleSoft and Acalog - Reporting capabilities
Administrative Technology Working Group Implementation - Schedule: Planned launch date - May 2015 High level milestones: Requisition – February 2015 Configuration and setup – March to early April 2015 Communication – April 2015 Testing and user training – mid April to May Risks: Resources Priorities Curriculum Database
Administrative Technology Working Group Background Selection Criteria - Provides the same or more functionalities - Easy to use and customizable - Integration with PeopleSoft Student System - Comparable in annual cost Mobile Application
Administrative Technology Working Group Implementation - Schedule: Planned launch date – Mid June 2015 High level milestones: Requisition – February 2015 Configuration and setup – March to mid May 2015 Testing and fine tuning – Late May 2015 Communication and software release – June Risks: Resources Priorities Costs associated with software renewal Mobile Application
Administrative Technology Working Group Background Implementation Service - Benefits - Process Shared ownership and responsibility Governance and Support Structure Implementation: - Schedule: On-going - Risks: Low to none Digital Signage
Administrative Technology Working Group Background Goals - Standardize and streamline recruitment process - Enhance productivity - Reduce paper consumption and generate cost savings eRecruit
Administrative Technology Working Group Implementation - Schedule: Two-phased implementation – 2015 to 2016 High level milestones: Phase 1 – Winter to Summer 2015 Phase 2 – Summer 2015 to winter Risks: Resources – technical and functional Priorities eRecruit
Emerging Technology Working Group Presenter: Gabriel Kuri
Emerging Technology Working Group Wireless Recommendations Evaluate areas on campus for expanded wireless and improve existing wireless infrastructure to support additional load of wireless on campus. Three areas were identified for expanded wireless coverage: Bronco Commons Rose Garden Engineering Meadow
Emerging Technology Working Group Wireless Recommendations Cost Breakdown Bronco Commons Cost: $19,000 6 Wireless APs Rose Garden Cost: $16,000 4 Wireless APs Engineering Meadow Cost: $15,500 6 Wireless APs
Emerging Technology Working Group Wireless Recommendations Wireless Coverage Map
Emerging Technology Working Group Wireless Recommendations Additional Wireless Recommendations Upgrade the Airwave Wireless Management Platform Cost: $57,000 Upgrade the Wireless Controllers to 10Gig Cost: $40,000
Emerging Technology Working Group Wireless Recommendations Summary of Wireless Expenditures Expanded Wireless: $50,500 Airwave Management Upgrade: $57,000 10G Wireless Upgrade: $40,000 Work to Begin Spring 2015 and Complete Fall 2015 Minimal Risk Associated with Project Wireless Total: $147,500
Emerging Technology Working Group Network Recommendations Upgrade University Network with Cisco Route/Switch hardware. Spend $200K per year over 5 years for upgrades of Academic areas; subsequent years require approval of $200K expenditure IT will fund upgrade of Administrative areas Students representatives unanimously approved to continue with Cisco as University network infrastructure.
Emerging Technology Working Group Network Recommendations Summary of Network Expenditures Core and Distribution Upgrades to Begin Summer 2015 Work to be complete by end of 2015 Calendar Year Minimal Risk Associated with Project. Some Downtime to be expected for core and distribution upgrades during Summer. Network Total for Academic Areas: $200,000
Emerging Technology Working Group Summary of Recommendations Recommendations from Emerging Tech Working Group: Fund wireless expenditures for expanded wireless coverage and upgraded wireless infrastructure. Continue using Cisco route/switch hardware for network infrastructure Fund network infrastructure upgrades using Cisco hardware over 5 years.
Instructional Technology Working Group Presenter: Kevin Morningstar
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Classroom Lectern Computers Recommendation #1 - Background/Findings 75% of all Windows PCs and over 80% of Mac computers used in lecterns are out-of-date Approximately 180 lectern computers are currently in use that are more than four years old Slow performance is a daily fact of life for faculty with long boot times and diminished software performance IT Staff do what they can to keep the equipment operational
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Classroom Lectern Computers Recommendation #1 – Funding Recommendation Replace instructional Windows and Mac lectern computers that are more than four years Designate up to $230,000 in Student Success Fee funding for this recommendation Surplus funds not required for the purchase of lectern computers, be reallocated to fund additional projector replacements
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Classroom Lectern Computers Recommendation #1 – Schedule & Milestones February/March – Purchase Process - Designate computer quantities and configurations as part of the campus’ Bulk Buy May/June – Receive Equipment - Per Bulk Buy schedule receipt of equipment anticipated in late May to early June June thru August – Image/Deploy Computers – Installed during Summer as classrooms are available All computers will be installed prior to the start of Fall Term
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Classroom Lectern Computers Recommendation #1 – Risks Risk Assessment: Very Low Equipment costs higher than anticipated resulting in fewer units purchased and/or delayed delivery Possible missing software on new lectern computers requiring reload of application Accidental loss of older software if re-installation package is not available
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Classroom Projectors Recommendation #2 - Background FY 13/14, recommended the full upgrade of eight classrooms and 50 projector replacements Evaluated the size of the equipment replacement backlog across campus with 43 TELS rooms alone Common to see classes being taught in a darkened room, as the existing projectors are not be readable in any other lighting conditions Determined that a more effective course of action would be to replace as many projectors as possible
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Classroom Projectors Recommendation #2 - Findings Projectors are often five or more years old and are only capable of projecting a lower resolution XGA image Laptop and projector technology today has moved to wide angle 16:10 type formats. Newer projectors are capable of 6,500 lumens making it possible to teach with the lights on in the classroom Image resolution has also significantly improved from the 1024x768 standard Projectors will provide an immediate improvement to the image quality and are ready for subsequent improvements
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Classroom Projectors Recommendation #2 - Funding Recommendation Committee recommends that up to $280,000 in Student Success Fee funding be designated for projectors Priority to provide funding next year for upgrading new classroom and lab spaces Mass Projector Replacement in 117 Rooms including all TELS Classroom screens will also need to be adjusted to16:10 format – image will be smaller until wide format screens are installed in future room upgrades Breakdown by college is listed on the Recommendation Form
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Classroom Projectors Recommendation #2 – Schedule & Milestones February – Demonstration Projector installed in Building 5 March – Confirm Rooms & Order Projectors April/May – Receive Equipment Limited projector installations as time/access permits June thru August – Scheduled Projector Installations All projectors installed prior to the start of Fall Term
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Classroom Projectors Recommendation #2 – Risks Risk Assessment: Low All projected images will need to be adjusted to fit widescreen 16:10 format Due to existing XGA screen dimensions, anticipated loss of 12 to 18 inches of vertical image Faculty or students may find new image is brighter, but less functional as the image resolution can make fonts smaller To provide the same vertical height will require larger wide format screens which is part of a longer term classroom upgrade strategy
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Switchers and Cable Management Recommendation #3 - Findings Committee proposes that the full classroom rebuild projects be suspended in favor of a mass projector replacement The campus still has 43 TELS rooms in need of AV infrastructure improvements Prior recommendations provide for new projectors and lectern computers that will be placed in these rooms Connection equipment is either 10 years old or non-existent Approach will still not be up to the standards of today’s modern classrooms
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Switchers and Cable Management Recommendation #3 – Funding Recommendation Committee recommends that up to $40,000 in Student Success Fee funding be designated to purchase video input switchers, associated computer cables, and cable management Without the installation of full lectern and AV improvements, there are steps to improve the quality of the environment enough to keep the spaces viable New video input switching equipment, connection cables, and cable management to be installed in the 43 TELS rooms Modest upgrade at approximately $1,000 per room
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Switchers and Cable Management Recommendation #3 – Schedule & Milestones March – Purchase Extron Equipment June thru August – Deploy A/V control equipment in conjunction with new lectern computers All equipment will be installed prior to the start of Fall Term
Instructional Technology Working Group Replacement of Switchers and Cable Management Recommendation #3 – Risks Risk Assessment: Very Low Fully accessible locations for mounting A/V control equipment may not be available Equipment may not meet the functional expectations of faculty & staff