By: Chelsey & Shane.
A Fishery is a workplace where fish are caught, processed and sold. Usually, a fishery will either raise or harvest fish. In other words, it’s a fishing company.
In small coastal towns, theirs almost always a fishery. Fishermen from the town, go out and fish all day and bring their catch back into the fisheries. This fish is then sold to a larger market. Due to this, there’s a lack of fish available in coastal regions forcing fishermen to venture further and further out. Broad areas around coastal towns are then overfished and are potentially un able to recover.
The people of Asia consume a lot of fish. They also use fish for other things as well besides for consumption purposes. In Asia there are a lot of little sushi shops, all selling presumably the same fish. In these shops there is a high demand for live fish, this being said their isn’t as big a market for dead fish. Most dead fish that aren’t sold in markets are used as fish food to feed other fish in fisheries.
Asia is the largest consumer of fish in the world. This being said, eating raw exotic fish is becoming more and more popular in other parts of the world. These desired, exotic fish are found in Asian waters. Therefore, there’s a large market for Asian fish.
In Asian countries such as Japan, there is an increase in toxins found in fish, the majority of this is due to excess pollution from companies. This pollution is being absorbed by fish who are then eaten by other fish, which increases the concentration of toxins in their body. Eventually these fish are eaten by humans causing a huge health risk especially for pregnant women. In the near future, countries such as Japan are going to have to reduce the amount of fish they eat, causing a huge issue (what they would eat besides) because fish is such a large staple in their everyday diet.
Asian fisheries are not well managed. There is an increase in demand for fish and a decrease in fish available for consumption. This being said, the speed at which fish are being caught and put on the market is continually getting faster, as the well oiled machine that is a fishery creates new methods to make money faster.
In south east Asia fishermen have put cyanide in the water to fish, not only killing the fish they want to consume, but also other creatures that happen to reside in those waters.
High Risk Reef Areas for Overfishing
Asian fisheries have a large role in the fish industry globally. Because of the price of labor in asia, fish from for instance Newfoundland is shipped to Asian countries such as China to be prepared and packaged. This fish is then sent back to the company for resale.
Even if countries are not seeking the exotic fish found in Asian waters, some still prefer to buy Asian fish. Asian fish is much cheaper than in other countries (because of the price of labor etc.). This being said, Asia plays a huge role in the global fishing industry.
In Asia there is no sustainability. Most fishing laws if any are not enforced. There is no time for fish populations to recover because when the people of Asia are not consuming the fish they catch it is being sold in the fish markets of the world. In 1970 fish populations in Asia went down 30%.
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FAO Corporate Document Repository. (2007). Fishing Capacity Management and IUU fishing is Asia. Referred from: The Fish Site. (2010). Managing Fish Stocks. Referred from: Kakuchi, S. (2003). Japan’s fishing industry in peril. Referred from: Jensen, D. (2010). Japan Overfishing. Referred from: APEC. (2009). Fisheries Working Group. Referred from: orking_groups/fisheries.html
Asean Foundation. (2008). Promoting Sustainable Fisheries. Referred from: Science Direct. (2006). Ocean and Coastal Management. Referred from: 4KKNJ1W- 1&_user=10&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2006&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=se arch&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId= &_rerunOr igin=google&_acct=C &_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10& md5=48a882be947399cb cd8d852 The Fish Site. (2008). Solving the Central Asia Fisheries Crisis. Referred from: fisheries-crisis SCS. (2010). Fisheries Refugia Guidelines. Referred from: Refugia/Fisheries_Refugia_Guidelines.html