Science Operations & Data Systems Division Research & Scientific Support Department Page 1 XMM-Newton Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN: implications for the AGN structure Matteo Guainazzi, Stefano Bianchi a European Space Astronomy Center of ESA Villafranca del Castillo, Spain Collaborators: M.Chiaberge (STScI), G.Matt, G.C.Perola (Roma Tre), E.Piconcelli (OAR) Guainazzi et al., 2005, A&A, 444, 119 Bianchi et al., 2006a, A&A, 448, 499 Bianchi et al., 2006b, MNRAS, astro-ph/ Guainazzi & Bianchi, MNRAS, submitted a now at the Department of Physics “E.Amaldi” of the Roma Tre University
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 Outline (type 2 AGN should be soft X-ray silent...) cm cm -2 (Wilman & Fabian 1999) (Ho et al. 1997) (Antonucci & Miller 1985) (Courtesy of Dr. Keel) M82 ? ?
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 Soft X-ray excess in obscured AGN Predicted starburst contribution Actual soft X-ray luminosity ASCA Ubiquitous soft excess. Too steep to be due to nuclear continuum scattering Soft X-ray luminosity too large to be due to gas mechanical heating (Guainazzi et al. 2005)(Turner et al. 1997)
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 Soft X-ray extended emission and NLR Circinus Galaxy (Smith & Wilson 2001) NGC4151 (Yang et al. 2001) NGC1386 (Bianchi et al. 2006a) NGC5643 (Bianchi et al. 2006a) NGC1068 (Young et al. 2001) NGC5347 (Bianchi et al. 2006a) Mkn3 (Sako et al. 2000) NGC3393 (Bianchi et al. 2006a) 600 pc 500 pc600 pc 500 pc 700 pc 1000 pc 2000 pc Images: O[III] – Contours: soft X-rays
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 Comparison with photoionization codes (CLOUDY) The comparison between the Chandra and the HST images shows that the [OIII]/soft X-ray ratio is fairly constant along with the radius, up to hundreds of pc. Photoionization models reproduce this behavior if n e r - , with 2 (i.e. the ionization parameter is constant). This is in agreement with NLR emission line ratios (e.g. Kraemer et al. 2000, Kraemer & Crenshaw 2000, Bradley et al. 2004, Collins et al. 2005). (Bianchi et al. 2006) Acceptable solutions in the density vs. ionization parameter plane Constant O[III] to X-ray flux ratio requires
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 … of course this is too simple OVIII/OVII excess is NOT coincident with star formation regions! Bianchi et al., 2007 NGC7582
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 Narrow RRC features: photoionised plasma kT ~ 35,000-40,000 K NGC1068 senza segreti (Kinkhabwala et al. 2002) No continuum; log(N H ) 22.7 He-like triplet diagnostic and higher order series lines rule out a collisionally ionized plasma, and requires a contribution from photoexcitation Starburst contribution to soft X-rays constrained to be 10%
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 The high resolution view Chandra HETGS Sambruna et al Circinus Schurch et al XMM RGS NGC4151 Sako et al. 2000
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 RGS sample results (66 Seyfert 2s) Large fraction ( 40%) of narrow Radiative Recombination Continua Higher order resonance transitions (np 1s) larger then in pure photoionization AGN-photoionization (with important role of resonant scattering) (Guainazzi & Bianchi, submitted)
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 What about the starburst contribution? HSTChandra 110 pc 3 pc In the immermost 110 pc: low luminosity AGN: L X ≈10 39 erg s -1 young stellar cluster: L X ≈6×10 38 erg s -1 NGC4303 Jiménez-Bailón et al NGC7130 Levenson et al. 2005
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 AGN -Total L O ≥10 40 erg s -1 -OVII/OVIII≥1 So… AGN or starburst? Empirical diagnostic diagram based on high resolution spectroscopy Guainazzi & Bianchi, submitted STARBURST
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006 Seyfert 1 Sako et al. (2000) Kaspi et al. (2000) Seyfert 2 Torus BH N H cm -2 Occam´s razor (Kinkhabwala 2003)
“Feedback between circumnuclear gas and AGN” – Xi’an, “The Central engine of AGN” – 19 October 2006Summary Highly X-ray emitting ionized gas on scales pc – Morphology remarkably coincident with NLR – Observed O[III] to X-ray fluxes consistent with n e r -2 Origin: AGN photoionization... –... with important contribution by resonant scattering Star formation processes do not dominate the energy budget in soft X-rays – A fraction of “Seyfert”/”Starburst” composite objects unveils in X-rays – Purely X-ray diagnostic to discriminate on a statistical basis between starburst- and AGN-powered sources “Warm scattering” vs. “warm absorber”: – Measured observables consistent with being the same gas seen at different angles