G. Penn SLAC 25 September 2013 Comments on LCLS-IISC Design
Next Generation Light Source Soft x-ray FEL facility High repetition rate – 1 MHz CW superconducting Linac to 2.4 GeV Multiple FEL beamlines using identical bunches 3 distinct initial FELs for different science needs nominal bunch: 300 pC, 500 A, 0.6 m emittance, 150 keV energy spread, 10 m use idealized beam, include resistive wake fields
Contours of maximum 3D FEL very delicate for smaller 3D fix beam but vary energy; ignore undulator constraints 1e-3 5e-4 2.5e-4 1e-4 higher K shorter period bandwidth, not gain length! NGLS parameters
1 kA current and 0.43 m emittance LCLS-IISC parameters better suited to hard x-rays 1e-3 5e-4 2.5e-41e-4 2e-3
LCLS-IISC parameters Planar SCU, Nb 3 Sn 7.5 mm magnetic gap 1e-3 5e-4 2.5e-41e-4 2e-3 cannot hit resonance
LCLS-IISC parameters Planar Hybrid PM undulator 7.5 mm magnetic gap main impacts of worse magnet tech: loss of tuning range more undulator length vulnerable to high avg beam power 1e-3 5e-4 2.5e-41e-4 2e-3 cannot hit resonance
Hard X-Ray FEL Requirements high e-beam brightness and peak current are crucial any way to push for even smaller emittance? is main constraint political (not wanting to miss target)? look at APEX thermal emittance #’s short bunches are a good choice higher peak current also helps slightly less effective than lowering emittance technical difficulty? affects linac design wakes and microbunching get worse self-seeding fairly robust to energy chirps
Discrete Energy Tuning for LCLS-II take advantage of continuous tuning of undulator K only need 2 options for beam energy in South side resolves most issues with photon energy tuning range and total undulator length beam at the 2 energies may look slightly different … BC2L3aL3b 4 GeV beam 2.7 GeV beam South side undulator hall
Discrete Energy Tuning example Example using PM undulator constraints, 7.5 mm gap fixed 4 GeV 26 mm pd for full range K between 0.6 and 2.7, photon energy > 1.2 keV need 100 m magnetic length (for SASE) switch between 4 GeV and 2.7 GeV 23 mm pd, K between 0.8 and 2.0 at 4 GeV, covers range 2.2 keV to 5 keV at 2.7 GeV, covers range 1.0 keV to 2.2 keV need 70 m magnetic length could go to 2.5 keV
Choice of energy for North side is 2.7 GeV a better choice than 4 GeV for North side? Example using PM undulator constraints, 7.5 mm gap fixed 4 GeV requires 40 mm pd for full range K>2 always fixed 2.7 GeV requires 33 mm pd for full range smallest K ~1.2 max magnetic length ~ 38 m in both cases similar tradeoff if consider SCUs (27 mm vs 23 mm pd)
24 Potential Areas of Collaboration with Partner Labs SLACLBNLFNALJLABANLCornell Wisconsin InjectorXXX UndulatorXX SC linac prototypeXXX SC LinacXX SC cryo lineXX Cryo plantXX LLRFXXXX RF systemsX Beam PhysicsXX Instruments/ Detectors XX PM/IntegrationX InstallationXXX CommissioningX LCLS-II Overview
Alternate view: NGLS parameters max ; or max photon energy for beam energy and 250 eV500 eV 750 eV 1 keV 3 keV 2 keV 4 keV 10 keV 5 keV
Alternate view: LCLS-IISC parameters max photon energy for a given beam energy and 250 eV 500 eV750 eV1 keV 3 keV 2 keV 4 keV 10 keV 5 keV
rho vs photon energy for different beam energies NGLS parameters