Free-Fall By: Nolan Davis Sam Robinson Derek Marsh Lee Eaves
The Team
Introduction Our goal was to build a device that advances a 6g cart from point A to point B from a height of 2 feet along a set of wooden tracks. Purchased base, dowels, funnel and popsicle sticks for approximately $15 Rest of materials were household items and tools already possessed.
Overview Ball is dropped down funnel and rolls down first incline. It then makes a freefall jump, goes around another curve bouncing off several obstacles and falls down a hole in the track Ball falls down set of stairs, rounds two more corners and drops down a bumper- filled tunnel where it is shot to the finish.
Stored Energy The Ball: -Begins with gravitational potential energy -Turns into rotational kinetic energy -Kinetic energy due to gravity throughout entirety of project. -Periodic energy loss due to collision and constant energy loss due to friction
Conclusion Problems: Position of the device makes for different results Position of the device makes for different results Needed to use bumpers to slow down speed Needed to use bumpers to slow down speed Found dead spots where track became parallel and slowed ball to a stop Found dead spots where track became parallel and slowed ball to a stop It took us 6 painful hours to build it and we can’t wait for the 10 seconds it will take for us to burn it to the ground