NUTS AND BOLTS OF CAPITAL CAMPAIGNS Katherine M. Bella, CFRE Strategic Counsel to Non-profits
Workshop Focus Provide an overview of the campaign process Analyze the effects of campaigns Give practical tips about your project
What is a Capital Campaign and Why is it Important? Raises significant funds to aid the capital project Builds volunteer leadership that can aid in other clinic fundraising work Adds donors to your organization Helps to build capacity for long-term support from private sources
What is Unique about Community Clinic Capital Campaigns? Financial mix for financing capital projects is different from some other non-profits Private funding makeup may be slightly different Individual donor base strategy may be different Clinic Campaign Successes
Conducting the Feasibility Study What is a feasibility study? Who conducts studies and what is important to know in selecting counsel? Can a campaign be successfully carried out without a study?
Building the Case for Support What is the Case and How is it Used?
The Role of Volunteers Makeup of a Capital Campaign Steering Committee The Committee’s Role in the Campaign The Board’s Role in the Campaign
The Role of Staff CEO/Executive Director’s Role Development Staff’s Role Clinical Staff’s Role
The Role of Consultants When Should they be Used? How do they Contribute to Campaign Success?
Defining Your Prospects Donor Constituencies to Consider Examining What is Unique about Your Clinic and Your Community Tapping your Resources and Relationships
Building a Strategy Overall Strategic Plan for the Campaign The Gift Pyramid Timing Training Donor Recognition Building Community
Celebrating Success: Campaign Results and Ongoing Organizational Benefits The Importance of Celebrating Success Press and Publicity Building Community Strengthening Your Organizational Capacity to Raise Private Support Dollars
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