Desuggestopedia Instructor: Shih-hui Sophia Chen Class meeting: 1. Day-time program: Tuesday 15:00~16:50 2. Evening program: Tuesday 18:20~20:00 & Wednesday 20:00~20:45
Intro. This method and the next few ones are affective-humanistic approach called by Celce-Murcia(1991); there is a respect for Ss ’ feelings. Georgi Lazanov believes as does Galeb Gattegno that LL can occur at a faster rate then ordinarily occurs. The reason of the inefficiency is that we set up psychological barriers to learning: 1) we fear we ’ re unable to perform; 2) we ’ ll be limited in our ability to learn; 3) we will fail.
According to Lozanov and others: we may be using only 5 to 10 percent of our mental capacity. To make better use of our capacity, the limitations we think we have need to be “ desuggested. ” Desuggestopedia has been developed to help Ss eliminate the feeling they cannot be successful or the negative association they may have toward studying and to help them overcome the barriers to learning.
One way the Ss ’ mental reserves are stimulated is through integration of the fine arts, an important contribution to the method made by Evelyna Gateva.
Class and Location - a university class in Egypt Ss level: beginning. Class meeting: 1) Two hours 2) Three mornings a week The authors noticed this classroom is different from all the others they ’ ve been in so far. Everything is bright and colorful and there are several posters on the walls. Most of the posters are travel ones with scenes from the U.K; a few contain grammatical information. Classroom Observation
One has conjugation of “ to be ” and the subject pronouns; another has the object and possessive pronouns. There is also a table with some rhythm instruments on it. Next to the instruments are some hats, masks, and other props.
T BehaviorSs Behavior T greets Ss in Arabic and explains they are about to begin a new and exciting experience in LL. T says, “ you won ’ t need to try to learn. It ’ ll just come naturally. ” Ss are told, “ first, you ’ ll all get to pick new names – English ones. It will be fun. ” Ss are also told that they will need new identities to go along with the new experience. T shows the class a poster w/ different English names printed in color in the Roman alphabet. Ss are familiar with these alphabets from their previous study of French. T tells them they are each to choose a name. She pronounces each name and has Ss repeat. One by one Ss say which name they have chosen and T is pleased with their choices. T tells them they ’ ll create an imaginary biography but for now they ’ d just choose a profession to go with the name. By T ’ s using pantomime, T acts out various occupations. Ss choose what they want to be.
T BehaviorSs Behavior T greets each of Ss using their new names and asks them a few Qs in English about their new occupations. Through her actions Ss understand the meaning and they reply “ yes ” or “ no. ” There ’ s a lot of recycling of the new language. T teaches them a short dialog in which 2 people greet each other and inquire what each other does for a living. After practicing with the group, Ss introduce themselves to T. Then they play various rhythm instruments as singing a name song. T announces to the class they ’ ll be beginning a new adventure. T distributes a 20- page handout. Ss are told to turn the page. On the right page are 2 columns of print: In the left one is the English dialog; in the right, the Arabic translation. The handout contains a lengthy dialog entitled “ To want to is to be able to, ” which T translates into Arabic. On the left page are comments in Arabic about certain English Voc. items and grammatical structures Ss will encounter in the dialog.
T BehaviorSs Behavior Partly in Arabic and English and partly through pantomime, T outlines the story in the dialog. Ss are asked to pay attention to the comments about Voc. And grammar on the left-hand pages. T tells Ss in Arabic that she ’ ll read the dialog to them in English and they should follow along. Ss are given sufficient time to look at both English and Arabic. T says to them, “ Just enjoy. ” T plays Mozart ’ s Violin Concerto in A. After some mins, T begins to read in a quiet voice. Ss follow along with T ’ s voice. T allows them enough time to silently read the translation in NL. T ’ S reading seems to be molded by the music as she varies her intonation and keeps rhythm. Ss are encouraged to highlight and take notes during the session. The items have been boldfaced in the dialog. Throughout the 20 pages are reproductions of classical paintings.
T BehaviorSs Behavior T sometimes pauses for Ss to listen to the music. For 2 or 3 times at a time, the whole class stands and repeats after the T, joining voices to the music. The lesson pauses. When Ss return they see T has hung a painting of a calming scene in nature in front of the room. Ss are asked to put down their scripts and just listen. The 2nd time T reads the dialog she seems to be speaking at a normal rate. T has changed the music. With the end of the 2nd reading, the class is over. No HW is assigned. T says if the Ss want to do something, they could read over the dialog once before they get up in the morning. The music is Water Music by Handel. T makes no attempt this time to match w/ music.
T BehaviorSs Behavior The next class: After greeting Ss and having them introduce themselves with new identities, T ask Ss to take out the script again. T indicates that she wants someone else to wear the hat. A girl volunteers. 3 more hats are taken out and are distributed with lots of playfulness. T pulls out a hat from a bag, puts it on her head and points to her self. T names a character from the dialog. T turns to 4 Ss wearing the hats and asks them to read part of the dialog, imagining they are the characters whose hats they ’ re wearing When Ss finish reading their portion of dialog, 4 different Ss get to wear the hats and continue reading the script.
T BehaviorSs Behavior T asks the following three groups to read in different tone: Sad, angry and cheerful way respectively. Another four new volunteer are told that they are auditioning for a role in a Broadway play and they want very much to win the role. T told them in order to impress the director, they must read the lines very dramatically. The 1st group reads several pages of the dialog in this manner and the rest of the groups do the same. T asks Qs in E about the dialog and asks Ss to give her E translation of an Arabic sentence and vice versa. Ss are asked to repeat E lines after her and sometimes individual S is asked a Q from the dialog. The environment remains playful. T teaches Ss a children ’ s alphabet song containing names and occupations. Ss are laughing and clapping as they sing along.
T BehaviorSs Behavior After the song, T has Ss stand up and get in a circle. T takes out a medium-sized soft ball to one S and asks him what his name is in English. The S catches the ball as he says, ‘ My name is Richard. ’ He is indicated by T to throw the ball to another S while posing a Q. T corrects in a very soft voice saying “ What do you do? ” The S: “ I am a conductor. ” Richard asks, “ What you do? ’ The game continues on in this manner with Ss posing Qs and throwing ball. The 2nd class is now over. Again, there ’ s no HW assigned, other than to read over the dialog if Ss wish. During the 3rd class, Ss will continue working w/ this dialog. They will move toward using the new L in a creative way. Ss will play competitive games, do role plays and skits.
Learning is facilitated in a cheerful environment. Ss can learn from what ’ s present in the environment. (Peripheral learning) T should recognize Ss bring certain psychological barriers to the learning situation. T should try to “ desuggset ” them. Ss feel more secure and open if they perform with a new identity. Important Principles
Songs can free the speech muscles and evoke positive emotions. T should integrate indirect positive suggestions into the learning situations. T should present and explain the grammar and vocabulary but not dwell on them. Fine art provides positive suggestions for Ss. Meaning is made clear through NL translation.
Communication takes place on “ two planes ” : on one the linguistic message is encoded; on the other are the factors that influence the message. A calm state is ideal for overcoming psychological barriers and taking advantage of learning potential. The distinction between the times (before going to bed and just getting up) is most blurred and learning can occur.
Dramatization is a particularly valuable way to activate the material. Fantasy reduces barriers to learning. The fine arts enable suggestions to reach the subconscious. Novelty aids acquisition. It ’ s desirable that Ss achieve a state of “ infantilization ” so that they will more open to learning. Errors are corrected gently, not in a direct, confrontational manner.