Liceul Teoretic “Sfântu Nicolae” GHEORGHENI ROMANIA
Generalities Romanian language is a Latin language, spoken by around 24 to 28 millions of people, especially in Romania and in Moldova. RomaniaRepublic of MoldovaAutonomous Province of Vojvodina Mount Athos It has official status in Romania, Republic of Moldova, the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in Serbia and in the autonomous Mount Athos in Greece. ROMANI Not to be confused with ROMANI language!
History Eastern Romance languages like the other branches of Romance languages descend from Vulgar Latin, adopted in Dacia by a process of Romanization during early centuries AD. During the Middle Ages, Romanian language became influenced by the Slavic languages and to some degree by Greek. Romanian remains unattested throughout the Middle Ages and only enters the historical record in the early 16 th century.
Early history The oldest extant document written in Romanian is Neacşu`s letter. Dimitrie Cantemir points out that the inhabitants of Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania spoke the same language. He notes, however, there are some differences in accent and vocabulary. Cantemir`s work is one of the earliest histories of language. He also introduced the idea that some words must have Dacian roots.
Historical grammar Romanian has preserved a part of the Latin declension, but whereas Latin had six cases, Romanian has three: the nominative-accusative, the genitive-dative, and marginally the vocative. Romanian nouns also preserve the neuter gender. However, the verb morphology of Romanian has shown the same move towards a compound perfect and future tense as the other Romance languages.
Romanian alphabet The Romanian alphabet is based on the Latin script with five additional letters Ă, Â, Î, Ș, Ț. Today the Romanian alphabet is largely phonemic. Â is used only inside words; î is used at the beginning or the end of single words and in the middle of compound words. Another exception from a completely phonetic writing system is the fact that vowels and their respective semivowels are not distinguished in writing.
Similarity of Romanian language with other Latin languages EnglishRomanianFrenchItalianLatin BrotherFrateFrèreFratelloFrater Animal AnimaleAnimalis EarUrecheOreilleOrecchieAurem Calendar CalendrierCalendarioCalendarium MusicMuzicăMusiqueMusica FriendAmicAmieAmicoAmicus
Interesting facts about Romanian language The most words in Romanian are starting with the letter C. Only 3.91% of Romanian words are made without any other influence. 38% of Romanian words are coming from French or Italian languages. The proportion of Romanian language on Internet is only 0.71%, which is the weakest percentage among Neolatin languages?
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